We can't e
ven begin to tell you what an enormous time we had broadcasting "Live" all day Satur
day, Sunday, Monday over Labor day weekend. First off we ha
d talent line up f
rom 10:00am til 5:00 everyday.
We had a huge team on site.
Mornings were hosted by Jann Scott and CU student Heather Loser, Noon- 3:00p hosted by Gabe Lee and Aron Smith and 3:00- 6:00 by Dan Culberson with Ken . Dave Broushard helped from early Am til Pm with technical set up.
We broadcast Live on boulder channel 1 from a tent located next to the Municipal building. this is the first Live broadcast , all day long from a community event in boulder History. We broadcast in real time all over the world. Besides a live broadcast , we had online chat right on the channel, Twitter, Live phone calls and emails. Viewers were registered from all over the world including London, Heath Australia, from our troops in Afgh
anistan and from former Boulderites in NYC, Florida, LA, San Francisco. we registered over 40,000 viewers a day and 1561 online chatters.

Mornings were hosted by Jann Scott and CU student Heather Loser, Noon- 3:00p hosted by Gabe Lee and Aron Smith and 3:00- 6:00 by Dan Culberson with Ken . Dave Broushard helped from early Am til Pm with technical set up.

Some hi-lites of our Live shows were coverage of the Zucchini races and then interviews with children and parents who won....It was touching , heart felt and fun. Hundreds of Boulderites stopped by to appear on camera and talk: they included Congressman Jared Polis who held a 30 minute interview with Dan Culberson; Former city councilman Don Mock and Dan Courson who talked about boulder 150.
We covered the pie eating contest "live", the car show. Musicians and poets stopped by. Acting troops, comics performed. Council Candidate Valerie Mitchell drew a crowd and applause as she asked citizens to vote for her , vote for change and vote for someone who is not part of the rich elite boulder city council culture. Candidates Rob Smoke and Seth Brigham appeared on Saturday. Other candidates who were on vacation wrote in or blogged.
Our next live broadcast will be at Farmers market on September 19Th. Many citizens came by to support Boulder Channel 1 and thanked our staff and talent all of whom are products of the Boulder Public access CATV which the city killed in retaliation to free speech. there were no shortage of citizens who lambasted the city over that disaster. Though the mood was festive it was clear that distrust of Boulder City Council is at an all time high.