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Friday, December 31, 2010

NO WARMING SHELTERS OPEN!! Boulder screws up. Life threatening.VIDEO HOMELESS freezing out side.

UPDATE 6 December 31 2010 10:30 am. There are NO WARMING SHELTERS OPEN FOR THE HOMELESS today in Boulder. Only the Carriage house is open until 3:00 and it has way overflowed and turning people away. What has happened.!!!??? How could this be?? It is 3 degrees in Boulder . “None of the churches are open” according to Robbie, daytime on staff at Boulder homeless Shelter.

“We are not open either” he said. Even though the Boulder shelter has two staff people in the building right this minute , they won’t open the doors to the freezing homeless people. This is an out rage.! An absolute human rights violation. Robbie said that he was instructed by Shelter upper management not to let freezing people in. What the hell is the matter with Greg harms. He should have his sorry ass down at that shelter and work a shift himself and let the people in. Right God Damn now, Greg!!

Bill at Boulder Police dispatch said ” we just don’t have anyplace unless a church opens its doors. ” Didn’t Jesus call on us all to offer first Shelter, clothing and food ” to all of gods children. Apparently not in Boulder.

The Carriage House phone was busy, but their voice mail said that their” first priority are “women and child” That lease hundreds of men n freezing on our streets.

Dave a homeless guy told us ” I don’t know if I’ll make it through today with out freezing to death before the shelter opens”

Boulder County cares only looks for homeless between 6pm and 10pm. Boulder PD, thankfully has their eye out for them” 24/7 during this bitter cold”. said dispatcher Bill

Boulder Over flow churches are not open during the day and only shelters the homeless at night. So all of those so called warming centers you hear about are not open! Where are the Christians when we need them?? They are not open . People are freezing to death on our streets and the entire city staff and council are vacation. Shame on them all.

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City of Boulder announced an official accident alert at 10:20 am this morning.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Boulder Homeless are freezing in the snow

BoulderChannel1 ChannelOneNetworks
Update 4 6:00pm:VIDEO HOMELESS freezing out side. City of Boulder on Accident alert Police talk to Boulder Channel…

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Andrew Currie: Lessons Learned the Hard Way video by Donna Jolly

This Boulder Digital Works video explains to newcomers . How to get angel money.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

JonBenet Ramsey Tribute Pictures and new Video RIP

She was murdered 14 years ago tonight Christmas day here in Boulder Colorado. The local press avoids the story. we do not . The case is not a cold case but an active case with the Boulder Police department. They are hoping DNA will one day solve this case.

New Video today JonBenet Ramsey by The Melly Company

Below are two music videos by Stephanie which tell the story of JonBenet Ramsey

This Video The story of JonBenet is disturbing and shows crime scene photos. Though tastefully done by Stephanie if you live in Boulder prepare yourself before viewing or do not view it.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Boulder Chorale video melody of Christmas Songs on Boulder Channel 1

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Jann Scott Live 9:00 pm nightly


Jann Scott Live 9:00 pm nightly or Janns new fall nightly live cali in guest interview TV show.

Jann’s back annoying the comfortable and comforting the annoyed. It’s all front page driven talk TV with callers exclusively on the internet.

Jann Scott started in talk back in 1987 so he’s an old pro at causing trouble…

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

#boulderfire #boulder DANGER hi

fire chief Larry Donner interview: EXTREMELY DRY, FIRE WATCH, BE PREPARED FOR NEXT EVAC #boulderfire

Boulder Colorado

Larry Donner Boulder fire chief talks to Boulder Channel 1 news this afternoon.

Larry Donner Boulder fire chief:” People need to have a heightened awareness this weekend. It is very dry out. Though we are not in Red Flag Warning situation which requires high wind and high temperatures, we could go there if the wind picks up. tomorrow, saturday, the temperatures will high enough. Heightened awareness in in order.

We have low moisture so by mid day when the temperatures heat up ‘flashy fuels” such as grass ( these are the ones which burn first) are easily igniteable ”

People need to put defensible space around their homes and not put that work on their to do list. that includes moving firewood and cutting tall grass near homes. Some people think that grass is not much of a threat, but 4 foot high grass can have a crown of ten feet and be very dangerous.

Wildland fire behavior is much like flood water behavior. Fire has currents and eddies. So when you’ll notice that two or three houses in a neighborhood will be burned and one will be left standing, that is most probabluy a result of the currents formed by fires.

residents don’t realize just how dangerous wild land fires can be until it is too late. In the four mile fire we had people on sunshine canyon who didn’t want to leave, but the fire was moving so fast, that though it was a few miles away they waited until smoke and embers forced them out . That is a dangerous situation for everyone. those embers were the size of roof shingles and they were blowing one mile in front of the fire. We can’t stop that.

fire fighters lives are put at risk when residents do not want to leave. They don’t think it is so bad, but if they get in the way of fire fighting efforts, we have to then have to rescue them and in some cases our selves. That was the case in the four Mile fire.

What people need to realize is that if the wind is blowing in a hot wild land fire, The fire is moving at 40 miles per hour. You can’t out run that. It comes up on you real fast and then it is too late.

There have been experiments done in Australia where residents stayed behind to fight wild land fires, but when the fire arrived at their property it was crowning at 10 to 20 feet , moving at 30 to 50 mph, was extremely hot ..and it killed everyone in its path. That’s what we always want to avoid in Boulder.

I scratch my head when I see most wild fires are human caused. People should not be burning anything near open space with conditions like this. this is a very hightened condition for fires..

We have something called “point protection, where we will pick the most likely house to save, but down the road 3 or 4 other houses will burn because of poor space protection, high winds and flying ambers.

So , yeah, this weekend remain vigilant and aware.”

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Boulders Social Media Fraud Twitter is a scam!!

#Boulder #Twitter #socialmedia FAIL Democrats bitch over Republicans

Social media and young voters failed to vote in the last election. Boulder’s over indulgence with Twitter and social media marketing experts completely failed the Democrat party. This demonstrates that social media is just another American flash in the pan and cannot be depended upon for consistent marketing

Analysis of the recent mid term elections now show that 20 somethings on twitter failed to vote, handing the election to Republicans. Social media failed to get out the vote for Democrats . Locally, Boulder twitter was mostly devoid of get out the vote activity. social media gurus spent election periods in idle chit chat, gossip and bitching over their lives.

On Friday many of them now complained about Republicans control of congress failing to see that their field of work is an untennable solution for elections.

Twitter in Boulder by daily social media proponents complain about republicans but seemed oblivious to their own failing in getting out the vote nationwide.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, November 1, 2010

#boulderfire Twitter cyber bullies exposed!!

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boulder Mall Crawl small crawl; but what about tonight?? #boulder #mallcrawl

Saturday Halloween festivities remain peaceful

Revelers and police officers experienced few problems on Saturday, Oct. 30, despite higher than usual crowds on the Pearl Street Mall on what was anticipated to be the busiest night of the Halloween weekend.

Crowds on the Pearl Street Mall reached an estimated size of 3,000. Police made three arrests on the Mall between 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30, and the early morning hours of Sunday, Oct 31. One was based on a warrant; the other two stemmed from behavior. Citation totals were not immediately available, but based on preliminary reports, those numbers are expected to be low as well. There was no Naked Pumpkin Run on Saturday.

The police department, city officials, downtown partners, as well as the university and fraternity communities worked together to communicate in advance about the importance of safe celebrations. In addition, City Manager Jane S. Brautigam extended the usual Halloween prohibitions for open and closed containers of alcohol on the Mall to include Saturday night.

Brautigam walked the Mall with officers and witnessed many positive interactions between police and participants in Halloween festivities.

“I am proud of our officers for their work responding to what could have been challenges,” Brautigam said. “Once again, our community emphasized the importance of public safety, and those who came to Pearl Street to celebrate remained conscious of that priority. We appreciate everyone’s fun-spirited cooperation.”

No additional releases are anticipated this weekend, unless conditions change and updates are warranted

source city

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Boulders evil women on #Twitter: their techie boy-bitches this week on #Boulderfire #boulder


by Jann Scott

This week we experienced the gang mob mentality of Twiiter hatemongering gone bad. Led by a few women one who calls herself @laurasrecipes and the other @fourmileheros. These two anonymous shadows are non existent; that is they have a picture and a name but they could be men or computer viruses. @fourmileheros colleced $1000s of dollars selling poster for Boulders fire in September but never sent us an accounting. To our knowledge she or it never gave any money to four mile canyon fire victims.

Worse they insert themselves into local issues and then start milking the crowds emotions. They have their loyal following of other equally anonymous women who look for a window of hate and then pounce. In our case they don’t like our reporting and then start threatening us.

some of the men include corporate engineers or mostly PR types who threaten companies to buy their services: Like brett greene and his girlfriend who are also anonymous non existant people on twitter.

When we track these people we always come up with websites that are sketchy, no address’s or phone numbers. They are Boulders hate speach militias on twitter. A very dangerous group of 20 somethings who hang out in places lie The Cup on Pearl Street.

They use intimidation, lies, slander, libel all on twitter to try to kill people, ideas, or anything they hate this week. So what we do is what we do best; tell you who they are , what they do and expose them both here and on TV. We won’t lay down for these Cretans (obviously) but local business’s need to fight back at this mob mentality on Twitter. It exists on Yelp and Facebook too.

Cyber bullying has become a national epidemic. So for us the best place to clean it up is right here in Boulder. We will take the worst offenders, find out who they are, where they live and work and then notify everyone connected with them of their gang affiliations and their attacks.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Boulder Police Officer attack: Raised reward bring in more tips; Charges mount as days go by

One thing the reward will do is have the suspects friends turn him in so that he does not spend life in prison over this. These are his choices now according to Commander Stewart. ” His friends can save him from more bad choices.”

October 25, 2010
Police are receiving many tips on the suspect who assaulted Boulder sergeant Jim Byfield according to commander Kim Stewart. ” we just need thee tip that will close this case” she said. The new $10,000 reward has many people coming forward. “This guy talked to some people we know that. ” she said.

Boulder police have been all over the hill daily. They’ve been to all the fraternities and CU athletics. Every police officer is looking for the suspect. Besides that Every police officer in every community and all 50 states looking for this thug. Beating up a police officer is not taken lightly by the men and women in blue. Our research show that over 90% of assaults on a police officer are solved.

The question is does this suspect want the cops to find him, arrest him and turn him over to the DA or will his girl friend or mother turn him in before the cops hunt him down which is inevitable. Right now he faces a long list of charges: 1st degree felony assault, Assault on a peace officer, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted murder all of which carry mandatory prison terms adding up to over 100 years. But that’s not all. There are approximately 30 other charges that could be added to this which could add up to over 250 years in prison.

The District attornies office in Boulder is not in a plea bargaining mood either. One thing the reward will do is have the suspects friends turn him in so that he does not spend life in prison over this. These are his choices now according to Commander Stewart. His friends can save him from more bad choices. The attempted murder with a deadly weapon could be dropped if his friends come forward. That’s the difference between coming out of prison a young man or coming out ready for social security which he won’t qualify for.


Boulder police are asking for the public’s help in identifying the suspect in a serious assault on a police sergeant that occurred at about 9:40 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 16, in the area of 11th and College streets. Boulder police officers had parked their marked Chevy Tahoes in the neighborhood to investigate a call when they learned that someone had cut the tires on the two police vehicles. Several witnesses observed a man cut the tires with a knife. Sgt. Jim Byfield attempted to contact the identified suspect. The suspect started running north on 11th in the 1100 block. During a struggle with the suspect, Sgt. Byfield suffered serious injuries, including a concussion, a broken elbow, and a broken clavicle. The suspect was last seen running between houses in a northwest direction.

P10-12845 Knife.jpg

Sgt. Byfield was transported to a local hospital, where he was treated and released pending further medical follow up. A knife was located in the area of the assault. The knife was described as six-inch-long fixed blade knife with a stainless steel type blade and a black handle. There was a black cord attached to the handle. As this is not a folding knife, it would normally be carried in a sheath.

The suspect was described as a white male, believed to be in his early to mid 20s with a shaved or bald head. He is approximately 6 feet tall and described as 180 to 220 pounds with a muscular to stocky build. He was last seen wearing a black hooded sweatshirt with white lettering on the front.

Sgt. Byfield is a 29-year veteran of the Boulder Police Department. He was promoted to sergeant in January 2000 and is currentlyassigned to the University Hill unit.

The following information is attached to this release: a composite sketch of the suspect, a photo of the recovered knife and a photo of Sgt. Byfield.

The case number for this incident is 10-12845.

Anyone with information about this crime is asked to contact the tip line that has been set up at 303-441-1974. Those who have information but wish to remain anonymous may contact the Northern Colorado Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or 1-800-444-3776. Tips can also be submitted via the Crime Stoppers website at Those submitting tips through Crime Stoppers that lead to the arrest and filing of charges on a suspect(s) may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $1,000 from Crime Stoppers.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday Editorial: NPR under fire from Left and Right

by Jann Scott
First let me say I love NPR and support their federal funding, but that’s about all the good I can say about them this week.
Their terrible mishandling of Juan Williams has brought the wrath of the entire country upon them. Williams , their only black on air news person was summarily dismissed for disusing his nervousness about being on a plane with Muslims. That is a natural honest reaction that many Americans including me feel. So what? And he gets fired for that? albeit 7 days before the midterm elections?

Williams was singled out first by a radical Islamic group with ties to Alcaida who complained to NPR , then by NPRs management who then fired him. What has since come to light is that NPR fired another female black reporter in 2007 leaving Williams the only person of color on staff. NPR now looks to be a racist all white organization.

What has also come to light is that Nina Tottenberg made a scandalous statement about the late senator Jesse Helms grandchildren wishing that they died from Aids. Terri Gross also so attacked Bill O’Reilly on air that O’Reilly walked off the set of her talk show. Neither Tottenberg nor Gross received as much as a mention let alone a reprimand. Clearly NPR has a double standard and has proven to tolerate reverse sexism. Feminism gone a-rie; a good ole girls network has emerged at NPR and it is time for “regime change”

In light of all of this Whoopie Goldberg has called Williams firing a racist injustice. Michael Moore defended Williams in blog yesterday calling NPRs action out of line. Alec Baldwin has gone further and started a DO NOT PLEDGE campaign. 3 days into this fiasco NPR has lost it’s radical left Hollywood support and most of America.

What were they thinking? They had their guy Juan Williams implanted in Fox News holding up their liberal view. Now Williams has turned against NPR and is now calling for their defunding by congress. What a mess.

Republicans have now introduced a bill to defund NPR and with the election just days away, this scandal at NPR will surely turn the balance toward Republican candidates nationwide.. My sense is NPR is too dumb to capitulate for the sake of the Democrat party and will ride this nuclear bomb straight to hell….and so goes the country ….to hell in a hand basket. I think it would be fair to call the all white female management at NPR a bunch of racist Ideologue hand maidens of Satan.

Twitter and the internet has been abuzz with Williams firing with posts 3 to 1 against NPR. The NPR scandal is being fueled each day by NPR’s idiotic statements demeaning Williams character and professionalism. It has turned into a crisis so damaging that NPRs own staff has turned against management. They are about to lose their own jobs. NPRs handling of this situation is as bad if not worse than BP’s handling of the oil spill.

And where is Barack Obama in all of this? Will he come to the defense of a brother? Not yet, but I bet he will…if anything just to try to save some votes before we lose the congress and the senate.