April 6, 2013 4:10 PM by Jann Scott, under . 0 Comments 
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Justin TV Video of Jann Hammering SEO companies for misleading small businesses.
In this Jann Scott’s Journal Jann talks to small business and explains to them how they are being ripped off bu big SEO companys. He talks about how they don’t care about advertisers and why they are all failing. He gives you a solution on how to advertise for less locally and win,Boulder Channel 1
First of all we have been in the online advertising business longer than any of these companys. And we have been in traditional advertising longer than that.  So we know of what we speak.
If you are a small business you cannot afford the crap shoot that the aforementioned companies try to sell you. They don’t and can’t produce results. They take all of your money and you hope business improves. But it doesn’t. If it does it does out of your own sales departments or local tried and true advertising that you know works.
All of these online advertising  companies including Twitter sell you smoke and mirrors. But you’re lucky if you make a sales because of them. American business is smartening up and pulling their ads. That is why SEO companies are all losing money. They are all on the bubble, well except for Google. And Google makes money because Eric smith made sure he owns the internet. but Google is ripe for a Federal anti trust act law suit. When that comes, they will collapse because they don’t really make anything or do anything.
Bing which is owned by Microsoft is a loser, but since Microsoft does a ton more that search engine optimization they can absorb the loss.  What about Face book. Their ad programs are expensive and they don’t sell product. Face Book sold the auto manufactures until they realized Face book was a dud.  Look at “miss Lean In” Cheryl Sandburg. She brought her brand of new age advertising hustle from Google to Face Book with terrible results. She is losing accounts faster than she can get them. Her IPO  was a disaster and now with her new bullshit book she is about to leave the company before it fails . In her own words she said ” I have no idea what I am doing ”  No she doesn’t.  She is living in the second tech bubble.
Look I have bought ads from all of these companies and tracked them. They are a waste of fucking money pure and simple.
If you want good advertising results, you should buy from local advertising concerns with a proven track record. So if you have a store in Boulder you should never buy Google, Twitter, Facebook, or Bing adwords. Never! And you should never buy adwords through Trada or Liggit in Boulder either. Just because they are located in Boulder, they are not going to help you. They are res sellers of Google and the other players.  They don’t have a magic solution. They’ve got a bunch of hype. The whole social media and online advertising movement is there for one reason : to take your money for as long as they can and to hell with you.
Here in Boulder and in every other city where we have a channel what we do is take your advertising dollars and spend it right in your city. We don’t do any revenue sharing with Google  or FaceBook. We will not do business with them . We compete with them. we are cheaper , faster and better.  What we do is create TV campaigns, put up our own Banner ads on our channel, our own Twitter and facebook ads and campigns. We write your blogs, build your Face Book and Twitter pages; We write about you, shoot video about you, we use You tube to promote you but we sure as hell don’t pay them. We don’t pay any social media to promote you. We play by our rules not theirs.  Here in Boulder we have Boulder channel 1 set up as a newspaper and TV channel. We have several hundred sponsors and advertisers. We have people here, who all they do all day and night is push sponsor product all over Boulder on Boulder channel 1. End result. We bury Google, Bing, Facebook, Twitter, Trada , Ligit, Yahoo and every other Search engine opt company.  We also beat The local Daily Camera and Boulder Weekly. How and why ? Because we find their holes and fill them. If we have an advertiser who has tried everything local  you know like Biff, Boulder Magazine, Comcast Cable, etc, we use all of that failure to our advantage. We fill the hole with packages on our channel that pay off.
We not only do that here in Boulder, we do it in every city .  So we have very little Advertiser turn over. Our advertisers stick with us year in and year out.  That is not the case with these other companies. They loose everybody.  We are in fact a billion dollar company waiting to happen. We are more successful than any company mentioned here. We have successfully integrated News papers and Television. That is something no one has done.Then we successfully applied old media and new media to advertising and made adverting customers happy. Advertisers are  are the Number 1.  Not the community of viewers and readers or sm followers.  Not content. It’s our advertisers.  Changing the world is secondary keeping advertisers happy.
We are not living is some kind of jerk off dream world of a Boulder Utopian start up entrepreneurial society. We were at Woodstock. We started the revolution. We were in the First Whole Earth Cataloger and Keseys  Garage sale. So we know how to save the world and build community. But what we know that the big SEO companies don’t know is how to get results locally. Now would somebody please   acquire us so we can help fix your financial woes.
Jann Scott
from the Bridge in star Fleet command
Boulder Colorado