Monday, October 31, 2011
The New Televsion Season Fall 2011 : TV Beat by Guy MacKenzie
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Fuck Xcel :Who and what to Vote for in Boulder…………whatever
Jann Scotts Journal
Jann Scotts Journal first appeared in 2001 on It went into Hiatus while Jann worked on the text version C1N news. In 2010 Jann wrote a 365 blog called My Life in Boulder which ended in 2011. In September of 2011 Jann started writing his Journal again. Material from the journal is often used by Jann for new episodes of Jann Scott Live the TV show. So there.

Fuck Xcel :Who and what to Vote for in Boulder…………whatever
0I know. Another news geek telling you what and who to vote for. Well, yer darn tootin. Now listen up.
For city council, you can vote for whoever the hell you want. They are all the same in my book. Well, except Ken Wilson. I don’t like him. I think he’s a controlling little sneak. He won’t take phone calls and will not co operate with the press and he’s a hider. So right there is enough to not vote for him. He works for Xcel and lies about that too. And he voted agin Public Access TV so he hates free speech all to hell. And he doesn’t like me so fuck him.
I like Lisa Morzel because she did vote for Public Access Tv consistently. She is a big supporter of the poor and disenfranchised. A bit of a whiner, and hider but she is OK.
I do like George Karakehian. He returns phone calls, will talk to you, will talk to the press, is fair minded and honest. He is also a local Boulder businessman. So I like him.
The others , I don’t know and I don’t trust either. but they are all cut from the same cloth. Liberal, tree hugging anti capitalist government workers with top down mentality who embrace Group think. Fascists essentially.

The only truly important ballot issue to vote on are 2B2Cwhich will take that coal burning piece of crap out of the hands of Xcell and put it in our hands where with hope we will tear it down in 100 years and rep/ace it with cold fusion. so no
On Corporate Person hood. I am sorry I am not a commie. Leave the corporations alone. matter how much it costs we have to do it for our children, grand children, the city, the future of boulder, the earth and humanity. This is a no brainer. Xcel had their shot, now fuck em. It is time to Occupy Xcel and take over that god damned power plant.
Related Videos
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Munchkins Annual Trick-or-Treat on Pearl Street October 31
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Boulder Mall Crawl 2011 Halloween TV Special hosted by Jann Scott 22Boom
Boulder Mall Crawl 2011 Halloween TV Special hosted by Jann Scott 22Boom
It’s Halloween again and we bring you as much fall fun and events as we can on this hour long episode of 22 Boom
We go to the Boulder Business Trade Fair, Boulder Channel 1’s Booth at the Boulder Creek Festival, The Pearl Street Mall Crawl, A Moment in Science with professor Noah Finkelstein, the Great American Beer Festival, Jann rides with the Thursday Night Cruisers, Spirit Walk in the Columbia Cemetery, and we talk with people at the Boulder Farmers Market including Bag Monster, ACLU of Boulder County, Defenders of Wildlife, Colorado Greyhound Adoption, Pachyderm Power, then we go to the Village Coffee Shop for some Pre CU Game festivities and food. Aaron goes to Disney World to the Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party and watches both the Boo to You Halloween Parade and the Happy HalloWishes fireworks, we check out the new Keithbar Bicycle Pedal Straightener, The Valmont Bike Park, The Rocky Mountain Air Show, music from artists at the Boulder Farmers market and the Kutandara Center. Then Lauren tells us the news in Boulder on This week in Boulder’s Halloween Special, Gorgeous Food with Jena - Butternut Squash Soup and SkyGuy takes a look at global climate change, Venus, and the future of Earth.
Boulder Mall Crawl 2011 Halloween TV Special hosted by Jann Scott 22Boom
from Americas most famous small cityJann Scott Boulder Colorado
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Why Boulder Mountain Lion Chose CU Kittredge? Girls
Why Boulder Mountain Lion Chose CU Kittredge? Girls
The Cougar male Mountain Lion caught in a tree on the University of Colorado Campus chose an area know for Girl watching. Kittredge Commons is a favorite spot for you female CU students to sunbath. According to news reports:
“Jennifer Churchill, a spokeswoman for Colorado Parks and Wildlife, said officers estimated the male mountain lion to be between 1 and 2 years old. She said at that age, males are no longer with their mothers and begin their search for territory of their own.”
Well it’s apparent this young male had something else on his mind too. Perhaps a tasty lunch of tender CU girls.
“It’s not unusual for young males to end up in strange places when they are looking for new territories,” she said. “CU is adjacent to mountain lion territory, so it’s not unusual for them to end up in town or on campus, although they normally come down at night.”
Well, that’s for sure. Young males of the human species often hang out in trees at night looking in dorm rooms of CU Co-eds.
One CU psychology grad student who works in SM told Boulder channel 1 news” Look, that lion wasn’t stupid or confused. He sniffed out a good thing and was preparing to pounce. ”
But was the lion attracted to female hormones? Did he want sex or did he want to be petted? ”
No definitely not” said a CU lab technician.” Lions are not interested in sex with Humans. At least there is no record of them having sex. I mean, I wouldn’t rule it out, but being petted is a possibility. ”
An off duty Sheriffs deputy who has had a lot of experience with Cougars told us: ” Mountain Lions like small, short, low to the ground humans who look like easy prey. Seeing that there were a lot of girls around, it makes sense the lion posisioned himself in a tree over the foot bridge. Its a good thing a 4’8″ cute little thing didn’t happen buy. Or worse a Midget. “
Mountain Lions have been know to grab young children, but at press time we could not verify if a midge has ever been eaten by a Cougar.
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Boulder Channel 1 Cast photos and Bios
CEO Jann Scott started in newspapers, talk radio and TV in the 1970′s, He has been in the restaurant scene since 1975 when he wrote the Book of Boulder Bar and Restaurant Hopping, Jann wrote that “classic ” We started this Internet TV site in1999. After all we are local. We have polled you to find out what is important to you. We are a 7 day a week 24 hrs a day company. Please tell your friends and send this link to everyone in Boulder. For comments, feedback advertising, web work, video and show production please
Aaron Smith, is our Webmaster spends a lot of his time filming editing and producing shows for Channel 1 Networks. Aaron has two degrees in video production and web design from the Colorado Institute of Arts, now know as the Art Institute of Colorado, from digital photography to video editing and web design, Smith does it all, he has worked with Jann for many years on thousands of projects. Aaron is married to a lovely woman, Amber and has a 3 year old son Jonah.
Henry Koren is a specialist in Database Driven Web Applications. He graduated from the University of California San Diego with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science in 2009 and moved to Boulder soon after. He is assisting in improving the management of Channel One Networks content as well as enabling the playing of video on popular mobile device platforms. He is also an avid photographer and who blogs about image quality issues on his personal site
Boulder Channel 1 News Writers
Ron Baird is our news editor. He posts the stories which come in from the city, county, CU state and white house. He writes the head lines and makes us first in braking news. He is a former Colorado Daily editor.
Ron Baird is the author of Dark Angel, iUniverse, 2001, Black Wind (the first installment in the Aaron Hemingway series), and Fishing Colorado; A Falcon Guide.Ron was a news reporter and assistant editor at the Colorado Daily. He is an author and has several new books out.
Dan Culberson hosts our Film Channel 1 featuring Hotshots Movie Reviews up every Thursday. He also hosts Getting Wet on the Internet on Computer Channel 1 airing every Saturday. Dan was Jann’s 1st TV director directing Jann Scott Live back in 1989. Dan is a pronounced movie critic and Television personality. Dan began writing as a teenager and was first published nationally in 1958. He started his first novel in 1963, which eventually became Plastic Man/A Novel of the Sixties. Other books he has written (but not necessarily published) are Chinese Kid Down the Street, The Basics of Netstyle, An Atheist’s Handbook, The Boomer Files, Two More Guys at the Movies, Thinking in the Dark/Essays on Historical, Social and Philosophical Matters and Seen through the Eye of the Motion-Picture Camera in a Darkened Room.
The Cast
Jann Scott has been in the restaurant scene since 1975 when he wrote the Book of Boulder Bar and Restaurant Hopping, Jann wrote that “classic ” We started this site in 2005 and decided to make it the most user friendly restaurant site in Boulder. After all we are local. We have polled you to find out what is important to you. We are a 7 day a week 24 hrs a day company. Please tell your friends and send this link to everyone in Boulder. For comments, feedback advertising, web work, video and show production please
Gabe Lee has worked for Channel 1 networks for 14 years in various capacities: director, sales rep, designer, cameraman, and has hosted a few business segments. In 2010 as a student intern he assisted our move to Word press. He graduated from CU, got married and has been travelling since 2008.
Aaron Smith, host our computer and tech shows. He is the voice on many commercials and he authors our trailers movie section.
Jenn Conner worked for Boulder Channel 1 and The World Channel 1 networks for 4 years and is one of our big, big, big stars (oh, stop it, who wrote this?). She hosts World News 1 on Mondays, Boulder News on Fridays, often appears on Boulder and Denver Restaurant Shows, Colorado Fashion, and with a little luck some of our beach travel shows to the South Pacific…hint. She is also the Operations Manager and Sales Rep for Boulder Channel 1, does some web work and can manage a camera and a shoot with the best of them. She is originally from Kailua, Hawaii and lives in Boulder working full-time on The World Channel 1 networks and Jann Scott Tonite while attending CU Boulder studying Communications. She lives with her great boyfriend, Ian. As a young actress she appeared on Magnum P.I as Magnum’s young niece, Jake and the Fat Man, Brady Bunch the Movie and most recently North Shore. Jenn is also a professional model who works it on the runway!
Jeff Cormack, professional snowboarder, shoots and edits video for the World Channel 1 networks when he is not snowboarding. He also hosts our Ski and Snowboard Channel 1 and covers skiing and snowboarding events from around the world. Jeff also lives in Boulder and drives a Cadillac Escalade, which everyone makes fun of (but he really does need it for towing his racing snowmobiles).
Jann Scott started Jann Scott Live and Jann Scott Tonite back in 1989 on cable TV here in Colorado. In the 70’s, he worked for the International Times in London. In the 80’s, he worked in talk radio in Denver. Jann hosts Jann Scott Live, Travel Channel 1, Food Channel 1, Denver Restaurant Shows, Auto TV 1and Jann Scott Tonite. He migrated all of his shows to in 2000 and then started Boulder Channel 1 and The World Channel 1 networks in 2005. He writes most of the news and story boards. He has won many awards and has been written up in local and national papers and magazines. Google him and you’ll find a litany of madness! He has lived in Boulder since 1974, moved here as a hippie and is now a conservative pillar of the community…what the hell happened to him?! He drives a Ford Escape Hybrid and is currently obsessed with Aaron’s cat, Franklin (that’s a problem). He is also looks for love in all the wrong places (also a problem). Worst, he’s our founding father and CEO.
Aaron is the webmaster and video editor for the Channel 1 network and Jann Scott Tonite, He also does video editing for corporate events, commercial ads and weddkings. Aaron’s father Steve is an artist and has a site Arttoyz which began working with visual media since anyone can remember. After getting 2 college degrees in video production and web design at the Colorado Institute of Arts, now know as the Art Institute of Colorado, he went looking for a place to use his skills and first came across Jann Scott Tonitewhere he started as a part time video editor. Still working for Jann but expanding on his skills, Aaron began working with John Haertling Awards who he redesigned the website for. Wanting to continue expansion on his skills, Mr. Smith found All Digital Photo and Videoand started doing more video editing, shooting weddings and corporate events as well as redesign of the website as well. Recently Aaron took up a pretty much full time position with Boulder Channel 1 where he was involved with creating and developing the site content. Both Jann and Aaron worked together to implement Boulder Channel 1 and its cooresponding Channels to create one of the largest internet television networks with new shows being added daily. Aaron is married to his lovely wife Amber
Katherine Wolfe is the girl who appears in the openings of all of our channels. She is an actor, model and student at CU Boulder. She is our catholic school girl gone bad (no just kidding) she’s a devout catholic like most of our cast. Okay, we know this is a little weird, like we have pictures of the Virgin Mary, Jesus, the Pope, statues of St. Francis of Assisi & no she’s not repressed, hardly.
Hippieman first appeared on Jann Scott Live in 2004 on Jann’s 1 hour Comedy TV Special. In February 2007 he started a 3 minute vlog called “Hippieman’s Plan for America” which can be seen on Comedy Channel 1, new every Friday. Hippieman was born in Boulder to 2 hippie parents and he still lives with them in a teepee in the backyard…seriously.
Julie Perrigo worked on Fashion Channel 1 and Travel Channel 1. She’s a CU student, our designated sorority girl and Boulder Channel 1 team’s tennis coach.
Pete Eggen started shooting shows with Jann in the early 90’s. He appears in many of the Route 66 series and Great American Road Trips. Pete’s originally from Minnesota and now lives in Boulder. He is a retired officer from the United States Army Intelligence. Pete is our designated lefty with a capital L, and hosts Cosmic Pete’s Hottub Monologues, a 3 minute vlog and rage against feminist control of men and the Bush Administration, no pun intended, up on The World Channel 1 every Tuesday. Pete also researches for Travel Channel 1 and is our lead sales rep in our Home and Garden series. He is also another one of our brainy intellectuals, which is pretty much the story with everyone here at The World Channel 1 networks sexy geeks.
Lauren Catanese hosted “This Week in Boulder” and now lives in Whistler, Canada.
Austin Gibson hosts Redneck TV. Austin is currently on sabbatical doing sociological research at the university in Canon City, Colorado. Austin’s camera work can be seen on Ski Channel 1 and the Denver Auto show. He’s also an oval track dirt racer along with Jann. It’s the weirdest thing, Austin is another person with a high IQ, yet he and Jann are like 2 pig farmers. There’s nothing they love better than laying under a late model dirt stock car, getting ready for the next race. We weren’t supposed to put that part in.
Dan Culberson hosts our Film Channel 1 featuring Hotshots Movie Reviews up every Thursday. He also hosts Getting Wet on the Internet on Computer Channel 1 airing every Saturday. Dan was Jann’s 1st TV director directing Jann Scott Live back in 1989. Dan is a pronounced movie critic and Television personality. Dan began writing as a teenager and was first published nationally in 1958. He started his first novel in 1963, which eventually became Plastic Man/A Novel of the Sixties. Other books he has written (but not necessarily published) are Chinese Kid Down the Street, The Basics of Netstyle, An Atheist’s Handbook, The Boomer Files, Two More Guys at the Movies, Thinking in the Dark/Essays on Historical, Social and Philosophical Matters and Seen through the Eye of the Motion-Picture Camera in a Darkened Room.
Alissa Barry,Producer, Model,
South Beach, Florida
Jann & Dealin’ Doug
Jann at Cadillac Ranch, Texas
Camera Man – Jeff Hansell
Alissa Barry, New Years
Auto Show
Jann & Silvano, Antiqua Roma
Camera Chick
Colonel Pete, Cadillac Ranch
Jann at Cadillac Ranch
Jann, Apollo test site, Arizona
Jann & Pete, Daytona 500
Pizza Shoot
Roger on Route 66
Jann, Grand Tetons
Jann and Pete at DIA
Jann and Pete at Ruins,
Talum, MexicoJann and Pete on Ruins,
Talum, MexicoJann at Pharmacy
Jann in Cruiser Bike Outfit on
Jann Scott LIVE
Jann in Cancun
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Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.