Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Jann Scott Live from Boulder Chamber on 300 and 301
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Boulder GOP MSNBC debate Boulder Traffic Alert Today October 28th during GOP debates on Campus
Boulder Channel 1 » Boulder Traffic Alert Today October 28th during GOP debates on Campus
The City of Boulder anticipates several localized traffic delays on Wednesday, Oct. 28 related to the Republican Presidential candidate debate to be held in the Coors Event Center on the University of Colorado-Boulder campus. 

Light traffic impacts will occur throughout the day as candidates, media and attendees arrive on campus. The combination of national media, groups exercising First Amendment rights, candidates and related security details, and the normal rush hour traffic may cause significant delays on Broadway, US 36, and around campus later in the day.
Drivers wishing to avoid potential traffic congestion may wish to use alternate routes or adjust their travel schedules. Rolling road closures and traffic delays are expected on Broadway between Arapahoe Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue between 3 p.m. to 6:30 attendees and advocacy groups arrive and between 8:15 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. when the debate adjourns. Regent Drive has been closed for the debate.
Debate ticket holders are expected to be onsite between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. The majority of attendees for the debate are expected to be bused to campus from offsite locations, use public transportation or walk to the event.
CU also is providing a Free Speech Zone on campus at the Business Field, just north of the Coors Event Center; this area will be open to the public from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesday. The city has approved three advocacy permits related to the debate for groups who expect to exercise their First Amendment rights. One group intends to be entirely on campus. Two others plan to gather in Central Park at 3 p.m. and walk to the Free Speech Zone between 5:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Advocacy groups have indicated that many participants will be bused into the city as there is no event parking associated with the debate.
The debate will be televised on CNBC, and candidates are expected to be in place well in advance of the event. For more information on the debate, go to
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Monday, October 26, 2015
Hike of the Day - Pearl Street Mall
Boulder Restaurant ChannelThe Boulder Restaurant Channel and Search Engine lists every restaurant in Boulder from A to Z and by category. It puts up their website, phone number, address, food categories, a map and review section from Google. Plus we list weather and Boulder movies all in one site. It is updated daily and we are locally produced by people not computers. Some listings have a TV icon. We shot TV segments you can visit the restaurant before you go. The videos actually play on the Boulder Restaurant Channel Homepage 24/7 streaming. You can scroll down the More videos and click on any restaurant you want to see. Each video is 3 minutes . Our polling and focus groups show people in Boulder go out to dinner and then a movie so if you click on Dinner and a Movie, it will take you to this weeks movie listing. Our weather link on each page takes you NOAA Boulder weather. We also provide a restaurant coupon section for free dinners and two for one special. You'll notice on the left cooking video blogs by Boulder chefs. These are 3 minute TV shows about favorite recipes. At the top of each page there are sponsored links. We pretty much get to know all of our sponsored restaurants and since Boulder is a small city. We consider them friends. The Boulder Restaurant Channel and Search Engine expanded from The Boulder Restaurant Show which appeared on Channel 54 and more recently on channel 5 with host Jann Scott. The new channel search engine is an online media format. We are part of Channel 1 Networks here in Boulder and have been in the restaurant scene since 1975 when we wrote the Book of Boulder Bar and Restaurant Hopping, Jann wrote that "classic " We started this site in 2005 and decided to make it the most user friendly restaurant site in Boulder. After all we are local. We have polled you to find out what is important to you. We are a 7 day a week 24 hours a day company. Please tell your friends and send this link to everyone in Boulder. For comments, feedback advertising, web work, video and show production please write:
Friday, May 15, 2015
The Future of the News Business: Startup Week Boulder
The Future of the News Business: Startup Week Boulder
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
The Future of the News Business: Startup Week Boulder
May 15, 2015 6:57 am by Boulder Channel 1, under Boulder Startup, Business, News. 0 Comments
by George Edward Hardwick and Boulder Channel 1 news staff BC1 STARTUP HOME
Wednesday At 3:00 in Trident Coffee Shop (the oldest coffee shop in Boulder) Ben Markus, Steve Outing, Matt Sebastian, and Andrew Baron presented The Future of the News Business for Startup Week Boulder. They spoke in front of an audience about
their current, and future vision of the news as a business, and so far from their point of view, the future looks grim for just about everybody… Except the radio. Fricken radio. Ben Markus is an author. Steve Outing is a web news consultant. Matt Sebastian is a News editor at the Daily Camera. Andrew Cohn produced Rocketboom.

It should be pointed out that none of the members of this panel are from the business side of news so their views are biased. There was no representation from TV news either.
One of their strongest selling points about the impending doom of modern print news industry, is the way they make money. Most of the money for print newspapers still comes from the paper version of their product. They said most people get their information from the internet. This is heavily disputed by statistical numbers which show millions are still watching broadcast news.
News still rely on the add banners and subscriptions for their revenue stream. As print papers become less relevant, revenue streams are drying up for the printed newspaper, and the future of written news stands on shaky ground.
News still rely on the add banners and subscriptions for their revenue stream. As print papers become less relevant, revenue streams are drying up for the printed newspaper, and the future of written news stands on shaky ground.
Ben Markus however told us that radio news, (a.m. f.m. outlets) are experiencing a boom. Perhaps it is because of more traffic, construction, and less newspaper attention, but viewership for radio has been up. The main concern Ben had to voice was the future of how people find entertainment in their car. With manufacturers producing more and more mobile friendly audio systems, a drop in the audience of radio news stations could happen rapidly, and be pushed towards podcasts and other audio app entertainment.
Another interesting feature of the talk was everything being live streamed using an app called Meerkat. This wasn’t a paid thing, but future potential is huge. Though live streaming without any production value can be sketchy. Justin TV was a huge live streaming company but wet broke and moved into paid online gaming. Ustream and Youtube also use live streaming but neither are profitable.
What was not discussed were the successes of companies like Channel 1 Network and Boulder Channel 1 who thrive in the current atmosphere. C1N.TV says it has solved the news problem by creating local news outlets all over the world which are self sustaining.
Facebook , just this week , signed 10 major news organisations for embedded news. Facebook is a multi-billion dollar company which has the ability to prop the news industry.
TV and Cable news were left out of this discussion entirely. TV is still king by many accounts. The question is how will news media shake out in the coming years and what will be the platforms. Who will pay the reporters.
George Hardwick is blogging for Boulder Channel 1 from Boulder Startup Week invite him to parties
Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
Fabien Dodard and Sara Smith from Victor sPOILS
Fabien Dodard and Sara Smith from Victor
Fabien Dodard and Sara Smith from Victor & Spoils: Boulder Startup Week 2015
May 13, 2015 8:22 pm by Boulder Channel 1, under Boulder Startup, News. 0 Comments
by George Edward Hardwick
Wednesday May 13, 1015 This afternoon I went up to Spark “a Boulder co-working space designed to connect students to the
startup community.“ At 1:00 p.m Fabien Dodard and Sara Smith from Victor & Spoils were next on deck. Victor Spoils is another ad agency off shoot of Crispin, Porter + Bogusky. Yesterday I wrote about Made. Smith and Doddardgave a talk titled, Content Marketing and What it Can Do for You.
Wednesday May 13, 1015 This afternoon I went up to Spark “a Boulder co-working space designed to connect students to the

In a world where everybody and their mother has a blog website, facebook page, and twitter account, standing out with a creative, provocative story is difficult. While the idea of going viral might seem impossible to the up and coming blogger, Fabieng Dodard and Sara Smith brought the concept back to its basics. This talk was based around the idea of creative marketing, and how the best way to stand out in the incredibly competitive world of creative story telling in the chaotic internet, is by sticking to the basics.
The talk was centralized around 5 main characteristics of how to tell a great story: Theme…Plot…Characters…Details…Tone.
Using the example of the viral story, “Why I Gave Up a $95,000 Job to Move to an Island and Scoop Ice Cream”, Dodard and Smith gave us the breakdown.
Using the example of the viral story, “Why I Gave Up a $95,000 Job to Move to an Island and Scoop Ice Cream”, Dodard and Smith gave us the breakdown.
Theme “If you are constantly thinking you need a vacation, maybe you need a new life?”
Plot: Leaving a successful job to work as an ice cream scooper.
Characters: Islanders, Parents, Herself, and a Chicken.
Details: Chicken casually in her bathroom during a morning pee, the view, the beach, the lifestyle.
Tone: Humoristic and Genuine.
Plot: Leaving a successful job to work as an ice cream scooper.
Characters: Islanders, Parents, Herself, and a Chicken.
Details: Chicken casually in her bathroom during a morning pee, the view, the beach, the lifestyle.
Tone: Humoristic and Genuine.
Sure, the concept is very basic. Anyone who has been through a middle school English class could roll their eyes and sarcastically repeat this outline. But Dodard and Smith’s point lifted the veil on the confounded chaos of the media. Though going viral may seem like magic, it is based around the same key characteristics that we have always been taught. In some ways, it is better not to try and re-invent the wheel. Smith and Dodard haven’t.
George Hardwick is blogging for Boulder Channel 1 from Boulder Startup Week invite him to parties
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