Boulder Mall Crawl small crawl; but what about tonight?? #boulder #mallcrawl
Saturday Halloween festivities remain peaceful
Revelers and police officers experienced few problems on Saturday, Oct. 30, despite higher than usual crowds on the Pearl Street Mall on what was anticipated to be the busiest night of the Halloween weekend.
Crowds on the Pearl Street Mall reached an estimated size of 3,000. Police made three arrests on the Mall between 9 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30, and the early morning hours of Sunday, Oct 31. One was based on a warrant; the other two stemmed from behavior. Citation totals were not immediately available, but based on preliminary reports, those numbers are expected to be low as well. There was no Naked Pumpkin Run on Saturday.
The police department, city officials, downtown partners, as well as the university and fraternity communities worked together to communicate in advance about the importance of safe celebrations. In addition, City Manager Jane S. Brautigam extended the usual Halloween prohibitions for open and closed containers of alcohol on the Mall to include Saturday night.
Brautigam walked the Mall with officers and witnessed many positive interactions between police and participants in Halloween festivities.
“I am proud of our officers for their work responding to what could have been challenges,” Brautigam said. “Once again, our community emphasized the importance of public safety, and those who came to Pearl Street to celebrate remained conscious of that priority. We appreciate everyone’s fun-spirited cooperation.”
No additional releases are anticipated this weekend, unless conditions change and updates are warranted
source city