Lefthand Canyon Fire and Longmont Dam Road Fire Information OEM, USFS road Closures #boulderfire #boulder
This is a play list of 7 videos shot March 11 at Left Hand Fire with Strike Team Bravo wild land fire fighters with Jann Scott and Boulder Channel 1
Jann Scott with Boulder Channel 1 catches 5 fire departments as the get ready to attack Left Hand Fire late in the day of March 11. Division Bravo strike team from West Metro Lakewood, Boulder Rural, EverGreen, Fairfield, Genesse, Brush Wild land firefighters prepare for long night and battle ahead.
Jann Scott gets upto fire as strike team prepares assault on raging inferno.
Boulder channel 1′s Boulder Heros LeftHand Fire: WestMetro Lakewood fire, Evergreen, Boulder Rural Genesse, Fairfield, Brush, fire departments create a 15 man strike team who head out into the blaze to keep it from crossing Left hand Canyon at old stage as an inferno rages in front of them. Jann Scott and boulder channel 1 were on the line with them and capture this footage as these heros headed out into the night to help save boulder heights
Boulder Channel 1 with West Metro Fire at LeftHand on Fire line.Jann Scott with Boulder channel 1 hooks up with West Metro Lakewood strike team at Old Stage and Left hand canyon road as fire rages in front of them. Heros walk into harms way to protect Boulder
3/11 6:15 p.m.Back burns will result in heavier smoke
Firefighters are setting back burns on Lefthand Canyon Drive from Olde Stage to the
target practice area. Heavy smoke will be visible as a result of this fire suppression effor
3/11 5:52 – Update on Animal Shelter info
The Longmont Humane Society will remain open until 8:30 p.m. for those who
need to drop off pets. The Humane Society of Boulder Valley will be open tonight until 8:15.
3/11 5:20 p.m. Air quality advisory
Due to the possibility of rapid weather changes, it is difficult to predict the condition of air quality related to current the fire.
In general, if you can see or smell smoke, it is recommended that you avoid outdoor physical activities. If visibility is decreased in your neighborhood to less than five miles, smoke has reached levels that are unhealthy.
Children, Elderly, and People with Respiratory Conditions
If you can see or smell smoke, children, elderly, pregnant women, and people with pre-existing respiratory conditions should stay inside with the windows and doors closed. If it is hot outside, run an air conditioner if you have one, but keep the fresh-air intake closed and the filter clean to prevent outdoor smoke from getting inside. If you do not have an air conditioner and it is too warm to stay inside with the windows closed, seek shelter elsewhere.
Children are more likely to be affected by health threats from smoke because their airways are still developing and because they breathe more air per pound of body weight than adults. Children also are more likely to be active outdoors.
Older adults are more likely to be affected by smoke, as they have higher levels of heart or lung diseases than younger people.
Follow your doctor’s advice about medicines and about your respiratory management plan if you have asthma or another lung disease. Call your doctor if your symptoms worsen.Healthy Individuals
When smoke levels are high, even healthy people may experience coughing, a scratchy throat, irritated sinuses, shortness of breath, chest pain, headaches, stinging eyes, and a runny nose. If you can see or smell smoke, you should limit outdoor physical activities and stay indoors if at all possible.
Wildfire smoke contains pollutants that can be harmful to health. Particles from smoke tend to be very small and can therefore be inhaled into the deepest recesses of the lung and may represent a greater health concern than larger particles. Even in healthy people, this can cause temporary reductions in lung function and pulmonary inflammation. Particulate matter can also affect the body’s immune system.
Air quality updates are available at .
3/11 4:40 Evacuation update
Lefthand Canyon evacuations remain in place. Subdivisions north of Lake of the Pines, including Lake of the Pines, are reopened.
3/11 3:00pm Boulder Valley School buss routes Due to the fire in Lefthand Canyon today Friday, March 11, a few bus routes from Boulder High School, Foothill Elementary School, Centennial Middle School and Jamestown Elementary School have been affected. The schools have notified the students and parents affected to pick up their students.
At this time, neighborhoods that have been evacuated include Lefthand Subdivision, Mtn. Ridge, Mtn. Shadows, Lakeridge Trail, Streamcrest, North Foothills Ranch and Lake of Pines as of 2:30 PM this afternoon (3/11). An evacuation point has been set at the YMCA at 2850 Mapleton, Boulder. An “evacuation point” is simply a place to meet and connect with other people affected by the evacuations.
Incident Overview
Firefighters are responding to a fire in the Lefthand Canyon area on the Boulder Ranger District of the Roosevelt National Forest. They are battling dry conditions and gusty winds. The fire is located eight miles north-northwest of Boulder.
Boulder Office of Emergency Management has issued an evacuation order. Please check their website (link to the right) for the latest evacuation information.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Undetermined
Date of Origin Friday March 11th, 2011 approx. 10:35 AM
Location Started in Chaos Canyon
Incident Commander Dave Buchanan, Usfs
Current Situation
Size 200 acres
Fuels Involved
Burning in ponderosa pine with grassy understory
3/11 2:00 pm According to Sarah Huntley city of Boulder Public information officer working at the Office of Emergency management, ”223 phone calls were made to evacuate the area. ” It is not known if there are that many homes threatened, but a cluster of home just north of left hand Canyon are being threatened. The fire is growing she said. She did say that fire scanner traffic indicated upward of 100 acres but this could not be confirmed. No homes are lost, there are no injuries and no loss of life has been reported to OEM.
11 1:25 p.m. – Air resources en route
An air tanker has been ordered out of New Mexico and is on it’s way with an expected arrival of 3:30 p.m. Firefighters will assess wind conditions before determining if air support is possible.
3/11 1:17 pm A call center for residents is available at 303-413-7730. Please do not call 9-1-1 unless it is an emergency. Anyone who lives in or around the area affected by the road closures and evacuations, or who is impacted by the events related to the fire, should contact the call center for assistance.
Emergency Status
03/11 1 p.m. – More evacuation information
Homes on the north side of Lefthand Canyon Drive have been ordered evacuated, more specifically, homes from the 3000 block of Lefthand Canyon Drive to Foothills Highway.
Evacuees are encouraged to check in at an evacuation center at the YMCA at 28th and Mapleton in Boulder.
Notification messages are also being sent from south of Lefthand Canyon Drive to Middle Fork Road. Residents are there are encouraged to remain alert and be prepared to evacuate, if emergency officials determine that is necessary for public safety reasons.
3/11 12:20 p.m. – Fire is estimated at 20 acres moving east from 3 MM on Lefthand Canyon Dr.
Fire is estimated at 20 acres moving east from 3 MM on Lefthand Canyon Dr. towards entrance to Boulder County Heil Ranch Open Space off Lefthand Canyon Dr.
Lefthand Canyon Dr. is closed form U.S. 36 to James Canyon.
Mandatory evacuations have been called for approximately 223 households in the Lefthand Canyon Dr. area, include Lake of the Pines subdivision to the north.
Large animals are being evacuated to Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont
A call center for residents is being established. The phone number will be 303-413-7730 when it is activated.Lefthand Canyon Fire and Longmont Dam Road Fire Information – Boulder, CO
Information for both the Lefthand Canyon Fire (aka Lefthand Shooting Area Fire per inciweb) and Longmont Dam Road Fire is being posted online on Boulder Office of Emergency Management’s site at http://boulderoem.com/emergency-status. Fire information for the Lefthand Canyon Fire is also being posted on the by the U.S. Forest Service on Inciweb at http://inciweb.org/incident/2154/.
The hashtag being used to track posts for both fires via Twitter is #boulderfire.
There is also a public information line being established by Boulder OEM. That number is 303-413-7730
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Labels: incidents, wildland fire
Incident Overview
Firefighters are responding to a fire in the Lefthand Canyon area on the Boulder Ranger District of the Roosevelt National Forest. They are battling dry conditions and gusty winds. The fire is located eight miles north-northwest of Boulder.
Boulder Office of Emergency Management has issued an evacuation order. Please check their website (link to the right) for the latest evacuation information.
Basic Information
Incident Type Wildfire
Cause Undetermined
Date of Origin Friday March 11th, 2011 approx. 10:00 AM
Incident Commander Dave Buchanan, Usfs
Current Situation
Total Personnel 9
Size 20 acres
Fuels Involved
Heavy smoke and flames in ponderosa pine with grassy understory
Planned Actions
Firefighters hiking into the area.
Road Closures
Incident: Lefthand Shooting Area Fire Wildfire
Released: 18 min. ago
Lefthand Canyon Dr. is closed form U.S. 36 to James Canyon.
BoulderCountyOS Bo Co Open Space
Heil Valley Ranch closed at both trailheads as a precaution due to the Lefthand Canyon Fire. Rangers stationed at north and south trailheads
3/11 12:40 p.m. – Evacuation Center at the YMCA; small animal shelter info
The American Red Cross is opening up an evacuation center at the YMCA, 2850 Mapleton Ave. in Boulder, starting at 1 p.m. Evacuees are encouraged to go there and check in, even if they have other places to stay.
The Humane Society of Boulder Valley and the Longmont Humane Society are accepting small animals for care and shelter as a result of the Lefthand Canyon fire.
3/11 12:30 p.m. – Road closures
The sheriff’s office has ordered road closures due to the Lefthand Canyon fire. The following points are closed at this time:
Access points to Lefthand Canyon, including, but not limited to, all routes off Highway 36 and the Peak-to-Peak Highway
All access points through the James Canyone and Lee Hill subdivisions.
3/11 12:20 p.m. – Fire is estimated at 20 acres moving east from 3 MM on Lefthand Canyon Dr.
Fire is estimated at 20 acres moving east from 3 MM on Lefthand Canyon Dr. towards entrance to Boulder County Heil Ranch Open Space off Lefthand Canyon Dr.
Lefthand Canyon Dr. is closed form U.S. 36 to James Canyon.
Mandatory evacuations have been called for approximately 223 households in the Lefthand Canyon Dr. area, include Lake of the Pines subdivision to the north.
Large animals are being evacuated to Boulder County Fairgrounds in Longmont
A call center for residents is being established. The phone number will be 303-413-7730 when it is activated.
3/11 11:30 Wildland fire on Lefthand Canyon Dr.
Heavy smoke reported over foothills area near Lefthand Canyon Drive is a result of wildland fire burning on USFS land near 3700 block. At this time, no structures are in immediate danger, but residents in the area are being informed about the fire. Additional information will be posted here as it becomes availalble.
3/11 10:50 a.m. Firefighters reporting to another small fire in Boulder County (Lefthand Canyon)
There is another small fire in Boulder County, burning in Lefthand Canyon near 3.7 mile marker on U.S. Forest Service land. It is moving slowing and not growing beyond several feet at this time. Lefthand Fire Protection District has reported to the fire. The U.S. Forest Service will provide updates.
3/11 10:45 Wind conditions improving, but still a factor in fighting small wildland fire west of Lyons
Current Button Rock weather: 50 degrees, humidity 26 percent, wind from the northwest at 8 mph. Ridgetop winds northwest at 15-30 mph.
Wind conditions expected to improve a little over the next couple of hours. Winds continue to be from a northwesterly direction and may begin to mix down into the valley. Still potential for gusts to 50 mph on the ridges.
Information on the cause of the fire is available on the City of Longmont’s website.
03/11 08:45 a.m. – Fire size-up
The current size of the fire burning northwest of Botton Rock Reservoir is estimated at less than 2 acres. The fire is burning in an area that includes land owned by the City of Longmont and the U.S. Forest Service. 50 firefighters from eight agencies are working on the fire. High winds have made it difficult to contain, although the fire has low potential to spread because it is burning within an area in the form of a bowl surrounded by rock outcroppings
03/11 08:25 a.m. Longmont Dam Fire status update
50 firefighters are on-scene from the following agencies:
Boulder County Sheriff’s Office
City of Boulder Fire Dept.
Colorado State Forest Service
Lyons Fire Protection District
City of Longmont Fire Dept.
Pinewood Springs Fire Dept.
Lefthand Fire Protection District
Wildand Task Force
Hygiene Fire Dept.
U.S. Forest Service (a representative)
Pridemark Ambulance
Wildland Task Force
Fire is still estimated at 3-5 acres. Up to 10 residences are in the vicinity, none of which are threatened at this time.
A media briefing has been scheduled for 9 a.m. at the staging area established along the west side of U.S. 36 in Lyons across from the Black Bear Inn. Parking lot is coned off for media.
Commander Rick Brough (pronounced “Bruff”), Boulder County Sheriff’s Office, and Commander Jeff Satur, City of Longmont Police Department, will be available for interviews.
03/11 07:25 a.m. – Media briefing scheduled for 9 a.m.
A media briefing has been scheduled for 9 a.m. at the staging area established along the west side of U.S. 36 in Lyons across from the Black Bear Inn. Parking lot is coned off for media.
Commander Rick Brough (pronounced “Bruff”) with the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office will be available for interviews.
03/11 6:50 a.m. – Update on “Longmont Dam Road” fire
Fire is located near Longmont Dam Road, north of Button Rock Reservoir. No containment at this time. No structures are immediately threatened. No mandatory evacuations have been issued. 15-20 firefighters are on scene, another 20 are en route.
Fire is in area surrounded by Boulder County Open Space, U.S. Forest Service land, land owned by City of Longmont, and private property.
Agencies responding:
Boulder County Sheriff’s Office
Lyons Fire Protection District
City of Longmont Fire Dept.
Pinewood Springs Fire Dept.
Lefthand Fire Protection District
Wildand Task Force
Hygiene Fire Dept.
U.S. Forest Service (a representative)
Pridemark Ambulance
03/11 5:50 a.m. – Wildland fire near Lyons
Firefighters are working a wildland fire near the Button Rock Reservoir outside Lyons. The fire was reported at about 4:45 a.m. and at the time, appeared to be about three acres. There is a road closure at North St. Vrain Drive and Longmont Dam Road. No evacuations have been ordered at this time. Crews will be evaluating whether there are any structures threatened. The Emergency Operations Center has been activated and Public Information Officers are enroute to assess the situation and begin providing the community with updates as soon as possible.
Red Cross Disaster Alert
Colorado – In response to the Lefthand Canyon Fire in Boulder, the American Red Cross is opening an evacuation center at the YMCA, 2850 Mapleton Ave. in Boulder.
Evacuees are encouraged to go there and check in, even if they have other places to stay.
Only service animals are permitted at Red Cross shelters; however, the Humane Society of Boulder Valley and the Longmont Humane Society are accepting small animals for care and shelter as a result of the Lefthand Canyon fire.
For updates on the fire and firefighting response, visitwww.boulderoem.com.
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