Trinda Weymouth : new CEO of Sky Trail Recording in Boulder Colorado
by Boulder Channel 1 news
The Magic and Beauty
Sky Trail Recording is a 20 year old high quality audio production studio. It is set in the beautiful foothills of Boulder Colorado. In 2010 long time music promoter Trinda Weymouth and producer Chris Wright redesigned and remodeled the entire studio. Now we bring you a superior quality for recording artists. the magic and vibe occur in properly constructed rooms. The sonic results are limitless.
Trinda Weymouth CEO of Sky Trail Recording: Trinda brings a long history of music promotion and business ac cumin to the company. A long time Boulder resident with interests in several business’s she is an active daily participant in the recording process. She is responsible for the restructuring of the company financial plan, fees and revenue stream. At the same time Trinda set in motion new legal perimeters, a new corporation and name change. In 2
010 she worked closely with Engineer Chris Wright to rebuild her new purchase from the ground up. The studio is now state of the art. In early 2011 she set studio rental rates at a rate that makes Sky Trail Recording affordable. As a result it has been booked everyday. Ms Weymouth then set upon an image make over of her company by implementing an all new interactive website, Twitter, Facebook, Google, Four Square and Youtube.She hired a team of web designers and social media experts to launch her new company. She then set upon a vigorous press, media and social media campaign. She set up live video streaming for acts of note. She also put in place professional music videos to be done for visiting artists. Weymouths goal is to have Sky Trail Recording be the most affordable and comprehensive recording company in the Colorado music scene. She has even set about to make her recording company a destination spot for artists in LA and New York who wish to get out into the mountains for a breath. seeVisit US She also write ( along with Chris Wright) a new Sky Trail Recording blog called The Fresh. See allof her accomplishments by spending an hour on this site.
TOMORROW: Chris Wright Producer and Engineer Chris Wright.
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