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Friday, April 30, 2010

City of Boulder under investigation for fraud!!!!!

Capt Underpants investigates city of Boulder for financial fraud over educational access.
The Seth Brigham Nightmare continues:

SINCE 2006.

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 3:12 PM, Seth Brigham wrote:
On that list were like a dozen mics that should have been sufficient for my
camera? But Howard Z had nothing!
On Apr 29, 2010, at 3:05 PM, SETH BRIGHAM wrote:
And, Howard Z can’t find me one mic and wiring, very strange ???
Patrick, oversight for educational Access say’s they can ask for a full
equipment inventory and Howard Z is required to come up with all the
equipment in 5 days! Let’s do it!

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 2:53 PM, SETH BRIGHAM wrote:
It night be noted that I was told originally, about two week ago or so, that there was no board and no board was required for the operation of educational Access Television PEG TV.

I was then told a wek or so ago there was a board of five, all assigned by Howard Z. He is the Chairman of the board, which usually would act as oversight of the Educational Access station and it’s Executive Director, Howard Z.

They met once in September of 2009. Anne large seems to have a lot of misinformation, as she clearly said that Howard Z had only purchased $3,000 worth of equipment, yet, I have a list of more than $6,700, which may be before he requested another $3,000 more in equipment.

Anne Large has been assistant Manager for many many years and instrumental in previous “cover ups,” in my opinion. She is more powerful than the Manager herself.

In my opinion, she should be replaced, downsized, as she has undo influence in City matters and ha a tendency to lie, in my opinion.

The council should have asked for three slots to be filled for the board, but, ignored the usual process and has never even tried to ask for board members or have a liason from the Council to meet with anyone involved in educational Access television..

Therefore, it’s a rutterless ship. Macon, Lisa, Crystal, Suzy… Everyone has refused to discuss the subject by phone or internet.

Equipment inventories coming soon!

On Apr 29, 2010, at 1:06 PM, Jann Scott wrote:

All in favor of putting seth on the BVMA board raise your right hand. OK. it looks like 21 people are for it. So as city dictator I would like to appoint you to the board……..NOP GET THOSE PEOPLE STRAIGHTENED OUT….. and lets not hear any more nonsense.

good job.
hows the new show coming for ED 22?? Looking forwarded to being educated and seeing your new series.
did you get a mic, camera, and instruction??

thanks for your dedicated service.
Jann Scott

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 10:44 AM, SETH BRIGHAM wrote:

Howard and BV 22 had no mic wiring for smaller Sony or Canon Cameras that were available during Public Access Times.

Strange, all those Sony compact cameras for interns and volunteers have no mikes and wiring other than that which comes from the camera itself.

This technology is, and was, useful for producers for any Access channel, Educational Access channel 22 ???

I think that there might be some even on the inventory list of equipment that I have received? Pages of equipment ???

But, none could be found for use by this volunteer? Where is all the equipment?

How can those checking our these cameras get good sound unless they are very close to the person they are videotaping.

Yet, another example, that BV 22 is simply not advancing it’s own cause.

I will have to find a mike and wiring system on my own.

Educational Access seems to be lacking in focus and in the little programming that they provide, and, all the equipment they have…

Where is it? And, is it being used, while Howard has just been okayed for more than $6,500 worth of new equipment?

i would recommend a full financial and equipment audit immediately.


On Apr 18, 2010, at 11:58 AM, Howard Zaremba wrote:

Thanks fine, see you then.

- Howard
Howard S. Zaremba
Managing Director
Boulder Valley Media Alliance
1906 13th St. #101
Boulder CO. 80302
“Give a person a TV and they watch,
support local media and they participate!”
—– Original Message —–
From: Seth Brigham
To: Howard Zaremba
Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 10:27 AM
Subject: Re: ch.22 Meeting


I would be glad to meet you.

I have questions about Educational Access television.

3 PM, BV 22 offices?

Seth Brigham

On Apr 18, 2010, at 10:20 AM, Howard Zaremba wrote:


In the future you can email me directly rather that cc: all those other folks.

If you view the channel you will see the programming on Channel 22 comes from a number of sources, Dept of Education, BoulderChannel1, BCM, League of Woman Voters, BVSD, BVMA, Cloudshadow Media and others.

Unfortunately, as you know we are not a public access channel and therefore do not check out equipment or have the resources to train people on the equipment. We have in the past offered some facilities and production support for selected projects.

I am available at 3pm Monday to meet with you about your program ideas.

Our offices: 1906 13th St. #101
Which is the office next to M. Conti Productions

- Howard
Howard S. Zaremba
Managing Director
Boulder Valley Media Alliance
1906 13th St. #101
Boulder CO. 80302
“Give a person a TV and they watch,
support local media and they participate!”

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

BoulderNews breaking latest April 27 2010

Boulder News: this weeks Crime map….see if your neighborhood was robbed

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BoulderNews: latest locals take on Wall street reform; Guess where these concerts are?? @bouldertheater @foxtheater @rmpjc

National Call-In for Real Financial Reform-Please call ASAP
The Senate Democrats are trying to bring the financial reform bill up for a vote, but the Republicans are blocking it.
Tell your senators it’s time to vote to hold Wall Street accountable!
Please call your senators now, using the talking points below to tell them it’s time for a fair fight with up or down votes on the bill and amendments! Its time to pass the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 with strengthening amendments and to vote “No!” on any anti-consumer amendments or big bank loopholes.

Wall Street has spent tens of millions of dollars to kill reform. Wall Street likes the status quo. Thousands of bankers and lobbyists are roaming the Capitol’s halls, trying to convince your senators that reform is bad for America.
Your senators need to hear the real American story — from YOU!
It’s the final push for real reform! Don’t let Wall Street kill the bill!
Public Citizen, the Americans for Financial Reform coalition and thousands of concerned Americans are flooding the Senate with calls. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your senators. Tell them your story and make sure they pass real financial reform!

Use the toll free number and talking points below to call your senators now! (Please call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.) CALL HERE: (202) 224-3121

Talking Points:
1.) Tell Republicans and Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.): I support the American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Stop blocking the bill! Proposed changes to the bill can and should be offered on the floor as amendments, not in backroom deals. It’s high time to begin voting on the floor. Vote for cloture!

Tell Democrats: I support the American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Thank you for voting in favor of cloture. It’s high time to begin voting on the floor.

2.) I urge you to pass the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 with strengthening amendments and vote “No!” on any anti-consumer, big bank-loophole amendments.


3.) Break up the banks –- too big to fail is too big to exist. In addition to preserving the preventative measures already in the bill that would limit the risk of giant financial firms, the bill should be amended to limit their size.

4.) Defend the consumer protection agency in the bill, but make it stronger and independent to protect consumers by policing unfair and deceptive practices by credit card companies, mortgage companies and predatory lenders. The Federal Reserve has repeatedly failed consumers and is the wrong place to house an effective watchdog with teeth.

5.) Executive pay and bonuses must be reined in to end the perverse incentive to gamble with investor and taxpayer dollars. Amend the bill so that corporate officers are paid for long-term performance, not short-term illusions.

6.) Clamp down on the trade in exotic financial instruments such as derivatives –- the things that threw AIG into crisis and required $180 billion in taxpayer bailout funds. At a minimum, all such instruments must be traded openly on exchanges and backed by sufficient collateral. Giant financial institutions should never again come to the government to make good on debts they can’t pay.

Let Public Citizen know you called at


Wednesday July 7

Like the Hawaiian Islands themselves, Hapa’s Pan-Polynesian music is an amalgam of influences ranging from ancient genealogical chants to the strummed ballads of Portuguese fisherman, Spanish cowboys, and the inspired melodies and harmonies of the traditional church choirs of the early missionaries. Add to this a dose of American acoustic folk/rock, and you have what has been described as the “most exciting and beautiful contemporary Hawaiian music the world knows!”… (Maui Times).

These disparate ingredients blended together musically in the Pacific emotes the unique flavor of what Hawaii and Hapa music is: “beautiful, fragile, spiritual, powerful”… (L.A. Times). Often encapsulated as the “Sound of Maui”, HAPA’s music evokes a place that many people at different times have referred to as heavenly. Hapa’s self entitled debut cd released in 1993, swept the 1994 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards (Hawaii’s equivalent of the Grammy’s), becoming the biggest selling CD by a group or duo in the history of recorded Hawaiian music. The group’s ground breaking music has established them as the most recognized name in Hawaiian music internationally since their debut release, with sold-out shows from Tokyo to New York.


With their clever, smug lyrics and cloying folk-tinged melodies, the Crash Test Dummies were a perfect rock band for affluent ’90s college students and yuppies. Their

first album was a multi-platinum hit in their native Canada, but only gained a small cult following in other parts of the world. Thanks to former Talking Head Jerry Harrison’s clean, radio-friendly production, the follow-up album, “God Shuffled His Feet” (1993), broke big in the States and, in turn, Europe. The first single from the record, “MMM MMM MMM MMM,” became a worldwide Top Ten hit, making the group a minor sensation with their self-consciously bizarre lyrics and singer/songwriter Brad Roberts’ deep baritone. “A Worm’s Life” followed in 1996, and three years later the Crash Test Dummies returned with “Give Yourself a Hand”, which found Roberts sharing vocal duties with bandmate Ellen Reid.
Roberts resurfaced in fall 2000 with a solo album, “Crash Test Dude”, a collection of acoustic hits from CTD and eclectic covers. It was also during this time that Roberts suffered a serious car crash, almost losing his arm. Seven months later, however, he returned to the CTD circuit to issue “I Don’t Care That You Don’t Mind”, a brand-new batch of songs written with lobster fishermen/musicians whom Roberts met during his rehabilitation. Late 2001 and early 2002 saw more solo albums from the band’s members (Ellen Reid’s Cinderellen and Mitch Dorge’s As Trees Walking), and the Dummies gradually became more Roberts’ project than a traditional band. A new three-piece unit consisting of Reid, Roberts and original bassist Dan Roberts released the Christmas album Jingle All the Way in late 2002, but limited distribution made the album hard to find. The album was reissued in late 2003 along with a new album, “Puss ‘n’ Boots”, with Reid and Dan Roberts adding to what was originally planned as a Brad Roberts solo album. The trio embraced a more stripped-down acoustic sound on their next album, 2004’s “Songs of the Unforgiven”, while 2010’s “Ooh La La” proved to be more symphonic.

Google Invites ISPs to Use Its Super-Fast Fibre Network Arguing that open access creates real competition

Google’s plans to offer fiber-to-home Internet connections to as much as 500,000 people probably has ISPs in the US on edge, but the company is trying to show them that it is not the enemy. In fact, it’s welcoming anyone to use the infrastructure once it is deployed and offer Internet services on Google’s fiber.

“We definitely inviting the Comcasts, the AT&T service providers to work with us on our network, and to provide their service offering on top of our pipe – we’re definitely planning on doing that,” Minnie Ingersoll, product manager and co-lead for alternative access at Google, told

“We’re looking for other service providers to be able to come in and offer their service on top of our network so that residents have a choice when they open up their accounts,” she added. “They get the connection from us, and then they have a choice as to who they subscribe to.”

That sounds great on paper, but it is a very disingenuous way of putting ISPs on the spot for their existing practices. Traditional providers value their infrastructure above anything else. Not for their investment in it necessarily, most ISPs and telcos want to keep that to a minimum, but for the strategic advantage it offers.

Costumers rarely have actual alternatives, you get the Internet that is available at your location and that’s that. At best, you may have a choice between two viable options, but there is usually no choice. And since ISPs are careful no to tread on each other’s turf too much, the status quo is very much against open access and actual competition.

Now, Google is not only showing that super-fast broadband connections are feasible from an infrastructure point of view, something that most telcos complain about, but also that you can even do it while enabling anyone to compete using your own fiber. That is the point that Google is trying to make with its Gigabit fiber optics network plan, ISPs need to start competing on actual services not just the territory, if there is going to be a real market for Internet access.

The problem is, ISPs are happy with the way things are and, if it wasn’t for Google providing the ‘incentives,’ nothing would change in the foreseeable future. But maybe the country that invented the Internet is satisfied with constantly being an ‘also ran’ in all worldwide broadband availability and speed studies.

Boulder News: update Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1m BC1 newspaper online: Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1

The City of Boulder and the Boulder County Resource Conservation Division are hosting the annual spring backyard compost bin sale on Saturday, May 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the new ReSource Yard location, 6400 Arapahoe Road. SoilSaver bins will be available for $50 each including tax. Only checks and cash will be accepted. Bins will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. No early sales.

After purchasing compost bins, residents are invited to join a free backyard composting workshop from 10 a.m. to noon; space is limited to 30 people. Community members interested in attending this free workshop should RSVP with name, phone number and/or e-mail and number of attendees to or call 720-564-2226.

These events are meant to encourage residents to compost food scraps and yard waste in backyard composting bins, in addition to utilizing curbside compost carts. Composting these items keeps organic materials out of landfills, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, visit

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Google Invites ISPs to Use Its Super-Fast Fibre Network Arguing that open access creates real competition

Google’s plans to offer fiber-to-home Internet connections to as much as 500,000 people probably has ISPs in the US on edge, but the company is trying to show them that it is not the enemy. In fact, it’s welcoming anyone to use the infrastructure once it is deployed and offer Internet services on Google’s fiber.

“We definitely inviting the Comcasts, the AT&T service providers to work with us on our network, and to provide their service offering on top of our pipe – we’re definitely planning on doing that,” Minnie Ingersoll, product manager and co-lead for alternative access at Google, told

“We’re looking for other service providers to be able to come in and offer their service on top of our network so that residents have a choice when they open up their accounts,” she added. “They get the connection from us, and then they have a choice as to who they subscribe to.”

That sounds great on paper, but it is a very disingenuous way of putting ISPs on the spot for their existing practices. Traditional providers value their infrastructure above anything else. Not for their investment in it necessarily, most ISPs and telcos want to keep that to a minimum, but for the strategic advantage it offers.

Costumers rarely have actual alternatives, you get the Internet that is available at your location and that’s that. At best, you may have a choice between two viable options, but there is usually no choice. And since ISPs are careful no to tread on each other’s turf too much, the status quo is very much against open access and actual competition.

Now, Google is not only showing that super-fast broadband connections are feasible from an infrastructure point of view, something that most telcos complain about, but also that you can even do it while enabling anyone to compete using your own fiber. That is the point that Google is trying to make with its Gigabit fiber optics network plan, ISPs need to start competing on actual services not just the territory, if there is going to be a real market for Internet access.

The problem is, ISPs are happy with the way things are and, if it wasn’t for Google providing the ‘incentives,’ nothing would change in the foreseeable future. But maybe the country that invented the Internet is satisfied with constantly being an ‘also ran’ in all worldwide broadband availability and speed studies.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Boulder News: update Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1m BC1 newspaper online: Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1

The City of Boulder and the Boulder County Resource Conservation Division are hosting the annual spring backyard compost bin sale on Saturday, May 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the new ReSource Yard location, 6400 Arapahoe Road. SoilSaver bins will be available for $50 each including tax. Only checks and cash will be accepted. Bins will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. No early sales.

After purchasing compost bins, residents are invited to join a free backyard composting workshop from 10 a.m. to noon; space is limited to 30 people. Community members interested in attending this free workshop should RSVP with name, phone number and/or e-mail and number of attendees to or call 720-564-2226.

These events are meant to encourage residents to compost food scraps and yard waste in backyard composting bins, in addition to utilizing curbside compost carts. Composting these items keeps organic materials out of landfills, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, visit

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Monday, April 26, 2010

4 Reasons PR Agencies Are Failing in Social Media: Hire BC1 and save your self a lost fortune: We were the first

4 Reasons PR Agencies Are Failing in Social Media

Public Relations

A couple of weeks ago, Jason Keath wrote a post that got many thoughtful comments and reactions. I agree that good communication professionals understand the power of storytelling and know that relationship building is a worthy activity and work on action steps to develop good relationships.

Indeed, a retainer arrangement is a good way to go in social media. Especially if you need to ramp up your own people over time, and have constant needs and request, it will cost you less to go that way. Plus, it will help you maintain consistency.

And if you're worried your people will screw up -- customers or employees, they are people and they might -- PR agencies may also provide crisis communications counsel and services. Of course, not all are known for doing a stellar job at it, and the expert may be a different one from your day to day team.

At this point, you may have already realized how dangerous generalizations can be. You may have a bigger relationship with a digital agency, in that case they'd know your business better, for example. Depending on your research needs, PR agencies may be ill equipped to deal with segmentation analysis. I'm digressing...

To his 4 reasons PR agencies are taking over social media, I'd like to list 4 reasons PR agencies are failing in social media:

(1.) PR is having a hard time letting go of the pitch

When we accept that PR agencies do relationship building, we're making one ginormous assumption -- that the process of reaching out to mainstream media, which they do based upon reach and numbers, is the exact same with bloggers.

How do they know your blog is worth reaching out to on behalf of their client? By and large because it's listed on a top bloggers list. They know nothing about your readers, how could they if they have taken no time to interact with them in the comments to your posts? Or reading enough of them in the first place.

I've been thinking a lot about the advice many of us have given PR pros about pitching story angles -- know the subject matter the blogger likes to cover, read their blog, etc. While this is still valid, I'm thinking that there is one fundamental disconnect we have probably not communicated well enough or with enough clarity -- the best kind of pitch is not a pitch at all, it's a conversation.

How many agencies take the time to be truly helpful to the bloggers they'd consider in their clients' sweet spot? I still see a ton of canned emails and the most annoying follow ups that read like their clients are entitled to coverage.

Case in point: a blogger who finds your pitch offensive, or tactless, decides to post it with their take on how you could have just spent more time getting to know them and their readers. What then?

(2.) PR is having a hard time learning the client's business

Social media is very content intensive. It's also about learning about how to write content for the digital medium. It's not about making introductions anymore. It's about learning the business deeply enough to be able to generate content with or in some cases on behalf of the client.

The model is shifting, there are fewer mainstream media outlets and thousands of online properties without enough editors/writers or with editors who won't get on the phone with a subject matter expert because they have no time. And the time lines are getting ridiculously short.

Knowing your client's business will help you shorten time lines, or answer questions on the fly when a blogger replies they're interested. And more and more, you may need to step in to help clients shape their own publications.

Case in point: the client is interested in you leading their social media efforts and all you can do is ask to get on painfully long phone calls with their subject matter experts to gather information so you can write posts. How do you handle ghost writing questions when you hit publish? How do you handle writing for digital media?

(3.) PR is still having a hard time with measurement

With a few rare exceptions, like the work KD Paine has been doing for decades, PR agencies have still not gotten their act together when it comes to measurement. Yes, they may be better at monitoring and listening, and now probably sentiment analysis.

They still need to learn to move away from impressions, and into how to correlate social ecosystems, influence analysis, and digital media to business results. I'm not talking about leads, PR is not designed to generate leads, you have lead generation for that. However, you may make connections. Connections are good.

Does your PR agency know how to put the public back in PR measurement? Do they report beyond exposure to engagement, influence on perceptions and attitudes, action resulted from the social media effort?

Case in point: check you reports and do let me know if you get those other metrics. I'd be thrilled to add an update to this post if we identify a trend here.

(4.) PR is still stuck with media while publics go underserved

By treating bloggers like media outlets, PR agencies are still failing to see beyond the media relations part of their charter. For many, it's probably also a case of educating clients on the value of building relationships with all stakeholders or resetting the expectation they helped create.

Today, many of those publics are direct customers for the client business. An enterprising agency would find a way to work with data bases and cross reference stakeholders with bloggers, influencers, and people who use social media.

Social media tends to have them all in one stream, without differentiation. Sothe best data base wins. Have PR agencies learned how to build efficient data bases? Being human and getting creative also get attention beyond media. Something PR agencies are still learning about themselves.

Case in point: ask any PR professional if they do this and they'll say that of course they do. To that, I say bullocks. They will support an internal visionary who does.


The biggest reason of course, is that I believe social media should be handled in house and not by any one agency. Sure, they can get you set up and started, help with training, support measurement and the creation of other assets to share and provide through social media.

These fours are the main reason why no agencies will ever supplant an internal team. They can augment and support it. Replace it? Forget about it.

[image courtesy of Phil h]

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

breaking news: Boulder County Commissioners award funding in honor of National Volunteer Week

breaking news: Boulder County Commissioners award funding in honor of National Volunteer Week

Commissioners award funding in honor of National Volunteer Week

Boulder County, Colo. – During a ceremony on April 22, the Boulder County Commissioners recognized the important role that volunteers play in the community by awarding $6,000 for 17 programs.

Every year Boulder County invites volunteers involved in county programs to submit proposals requesting up to $500 per proposal for special projects or to defray the cost of materials, fees and equipment. Funding is capped at $6,000. The volunteers whose proposals are chosen are individually recognized during National Volunteer Week and the funding goes to the programs in which they participate.

The volunteer recipients for this year are listed below in alphabetical order:

-Fay Benson, Parks & Open Space, Extension, 4-H – $500 for water quality experiment supplies so that youth can participate in this year’s 4-H National Youth Science Day;

-Conrad Bishop & Chris Randall, Parks & Open Space, Park Patrollers: Anglers – $300 for vests that identify these volunteers as Park Patroller volunteers;

-Walter Boner, Jr. & Raven Starr, Public Health, Medical Reserve Corps of Boulder County – $500 for emergency blankets and first aid kit supplies for their emergency “ready” bags;

-Amanda Carroll & Kristin Nelson, Community Services, Community Justice Services, Juvenile Assessment Center (Justice System Volunteer Program) – $300 for various books and DVDs addressing social justice issues to be used for the special activities programming;

-Matthew Diemer, Public Health, Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation and gender identity Support (OASOS) – $250 for gender-identity themed fiction books and DVDs for youth to increase the long-term resources within the program;

-Nicole Drake, Community Services, Community Justice Services, Juvenile Assessment Center (Justice System Volunteer Program) – $400 for gardening tools for youth to create and maintain a garden. This activity will help them learn about growing their own food, composting, and sustainability;

-K.C. Dutcher & Kirsten Larsen, Community Services, Community Justice Services, CS Mentoring Program (Justice System Volunteer Program) – $400 for mentors and mentees to receive low-dollar value tickets to local theaters and a local pottery studio. This award will help those pairs who could not afford to do this without financial assistance;

-Fran Eichenauer, Community Services, Aging Services Division, Long-Term Care Ombudsman – $225 to be applied toward the conference fee of a 3-day training that will focus on helping to deinstitutionalize the culture and environment of living in a long-term care facility;

-Carol England, Parks & Open Space, Cultural History – $200 for artifact cataloging software and a manual for museum registration methods to assist with the management of artifact collection;

-Eric Etchill, Public Health, Addiction Recovery Center – $300 for the creation of materials and the purchase of books on substance abuse and addiction resources specific to Native American culture and customs;

-Jo Ferranto, Parks & Open Space, WildWork – $425 for additional tools for fence removal projects;

-Brittni Hernandez – Housing & Human Services, Casa de la Esperanza – $500 for scientific and graphing calculators, bilingual dictionaries and thesauruses, school supplies, and educational software to enrich classes and activities;

-Paula McKey, Bill Peterson & Mark Siebold, Parks & Open Space, Partnership Initiative and WildWork – $150 for several Parks-related books that can be given away as prizes to encourage more volunteers to complete the online volunteer project evaluation. Winners will be drawn at random;

-Adrienne Mihelic, Public Health, Community Health, Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership – $500 for cameras, photo developing, presentation materials, and T-shirts for a youth photovoice project regarding youth tobacco use;

-Ruth Newell, Parks & Open Space, Cultural History – $350 for artifacts such as a washboard, antique grain mill, and branding iron to create an artifacts kit;

-John Stransky – Parks & Open Space, Park Patrollers: Horse Patrol – $200 for long-sleeved shirts that identify these volunteers as Park Patroller volunteers;

-Danette Tye, Sheriff’s Office, On-Scene Victim Assistance – $500 for shirts that identify volunteers as Victim Advocate volunteers.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.

Boulder Channel One News April 26 2010

Meetup News and Social Media Expo

Meetup Reminder
Front Range Blogger Meetup
Your group has a Meetup tomorrow!
You still need to RSVP.
Front Range Bloggers Meetup – April

Tuesday, April 27, 2010 7:00 PM

15 Yes / 6 Maybe

Uptown Tavern
538 E 17th Ave
Denver CO 80203

15 Bloggers RSVPed Yes, including…

see all
Meetup Description
Whether you’re new to Blogging, an old pro with a million uniques a month, or somewhere in between, come join us for a night of swapping ideas and problem solving.

Remember, there are Happy Hour specials until 7 pm, so get there early enough to take advantage of them if you wish.

If you have any questions, just call Jeannine at 303-841-0987.

See you there!
Jeannine & Brad & Dave


Social Media 2010 – The Business Edition

There are only three days left to register for this amazing half-day comprehensive and interactive social media event. The seminar opens with a panel discussion on Issues Management and Controlling a Crisis Using Social Media then is followed immediately by intimate break-out groups on several topics designed to help businesses more intelligently integrate social media into their marketing plans.

Topics include:
• Building a Solid Social Media Strategy
• Controlling a Crisis with Social Media
• Social Media for Startups
• Social Media for B2B Campaigns
• Getting Started with SEO
• Corporate Blogging: Getting Started and Best Practices
• Social Media for Customer Service
• Merging Social Media Programs with Overarching Marketing Programs and Goals
• Flip Cameras 101
• Geotagging/Foursquare for Retail Businesses

Each attendee will pick TWO of the above break-out groups in which to participate at the event. These groups of about 10 will be led by an expert in the social media field and will afford a very hands-on and optimum learning experience. Click the event website link below for more information on our experts and topics.

A continental breakfast is included in the cost of the event.

Use hashtag #bcsm2010 for this event.

Friday, April 30, 2010 7:30 AM -11:30 AM

UCAR Center Green
3085 Center Green Drive, Boulder, CO 80301

What to wear Casual

Chamber Member Registration

Member Registration

Non-Member Registration

Non-Member Registration

Checkout the Event Website

Registration Closes: Wednesday, April 28, 2010

road closures Boulder News:

Portion of 63rd St. to be closed May 2-11 Boulder County, Colo. – North 63rd Street will be closed between State Highway 119 and Lookout Road from Sunday, May 2 through Tuesday, May 11 to accommodate the replacement of the BNSF Railroad track crossing.

All access across the tracks will be prohibited, including bicycles and pedestrians. Additionally, the RTD Route J stop between 63rd and Lookout will be closed; the J will use a detour at 63rd and Jay Road. Riders of the RTD BOLT route between Boulder and Longmont that use the Highway 119/63rd Street stop are advised to use alternate stops during the closure to avoid work zone activity.

The May 2-11 closure is part of the larger 63rd Street/Highway 119 intersection project that includes a series of multimodal improvements, including lengthening turn lanes and improving pedestrian and cyclist intersection access by adding shoulders and sidewalks. Additionally, transit stop facilities for the BOLT will be enhanced to provide safer boarding and de-boarding conditions at the intersection.

“As a result of this closure, we anticipate shortening the duration of the overall road construction project at Highway 119 and 63rd by up to two months,” Boulder County Transportation Engineer Mike Thomas said. “This will save up to $30,000 in project costs, with the added benefit of reducing commuter time spent navigating through construction zones in the area.”

Originally scheduled to extend through the end of August, the intersection project is now expected to be complete by early July.The $3 million intersection project is funded primarily by state and federal money, covering approximately 90 percent of the cost, with the remaining 10 percent split evenly between Boulder County and the City of Boulder.


There are only 190 days until the 2010 election.

Many of you have been at work long before now. You’ve held strategy sessions all across the country to discuss how to most effectively help candidates in your community who are fighting to bring about change.

At OFA headquarters, we’ve been poring over your ideas, your input, and the best data we can get our hands on to determine the most helpful role we can play.

Together, based on that feedback, we’ve crafted a comprehensive electoral plan that can make a big difference in the upcoming elections.

President Obama recorded a video message to share our goals for 2010 with you — and to remind us what’s at stake. Watch it now.

We’ve accomplished a lot together. But we’re in for a tough fight this fall.

Historical trends aren’t in our favor — the president’s party generally loses seats in the first midterm election. And even though President Obama has taken bold steps like the Recovery Act to put us back on the path to prosperity, escaping from a financial crisis like this one takes time.

The prognosticators and pundits are predicting steep losses for the Democrats. The Republicans are already measuring the drapes for their new offices, saying that anything short of an electoral landslide that gives them back control of Congress won’t be a victory.

But these are the same folks who said Barack Obama could never become president, the same ones who said we were trying to do too much, too fast — and that we’d never pass historic health reform. They were wrong then, and they’re wrong now.

I believe we can avoid the nightmare electoral scenario that Republicans in Washington have already convinced themselves will happen. But only if we work together.

Two years ago, we challenged a group of young and disaffected voters to participate in the 2008 election. They cast votes for the very first time and helped us elect a new president. You told us that your top priority for 2010 was to help these people head back to the polls — and we built our plan around that goal.

President Obama has America heading in the right direction. But our opponents want to repeal health reform. They’re standing with Wall Street banks to block any efforts to rein in reckless behavior and protect consumers. And they’re attacking a foreign policy that has renewed America’s standing in the world. They are eager to undo all we’ve done.

The stakes are high. And that’s the level of commitment we need from you. So watch the President introduce our 2010 plan — and find out how you can get involved in the fight:

It’s a pleasure to continue our work together,

David Plouffe

upcoming concerts Boulder

Here’s what we’ve got coming up at Boulder Theater as of April 26. All shows are ON SALE NOW unless otherwise noted. New shows and additions are noted in blue.

Wed Apr 28 BMA presents
7:30pm Movie: “Follow Me” by Anthill Productions
GA / All Ages / $15.00

Thu Apr 29 An Evening with Larry Carlton Trio
8:00pm w/ Robben Ford
Limited Seating / $43.00 / All Ages

Fri, April 30 KGNU and KUVO present
8:00pm King Sunny Ade & His African Beats
GA / 18+ / $26.00

Wed May 5 KUNC presents
8:00pm Sonos
Reserved: $28.50 / GA: $21.50 / All Ages

Thurs May 6 Ignite Boulder 10
7:00pm music by Churchill
GA / All Ages / $10.00
tickets available through

Wed May 12 97.3 KBCO presents
7:00pm E-Town: Grace Potter & the Nocturnals
Ben Sollee & Daniel Daniel Martin Moore
GA / All Ages / $18.75

Thurs May 13 Drive-by Truckers
8:30pm GA / All Ages / $30.00

Sat May 15 KUNC & Westword present
8:00pm Idan Raichel Project
All Seated Reserved / GA / All Ages
General Admission: $36.00 / Reserved: $46.00 / Gold Circle: $56.00

Tues May 18 Live Nation presents
8:00pm Henry Rollins
GA / All Ages / $31.00
On sale 3/12

Wed May 19 Boulder Weekly Films presents
8:00pm “When You’re Strange”: A Film About the Doors
GA / All Ages / $10.00

Fri May 21 Quemando
8:30pm GA / 21+ / $14.00

Sat May 22 BMA presents
7:00pm Movie: “Ride the Divide” Boulder Premier
6:00 pm: Music and demos
7:00pm:”Ride the Divide” Boulder premier
9:00pm: Q&A with filmmakers and racers
9:30pm: Surprise musical guest
GA/ All Ages / $18.00 / $40.00 includes DVD pre-order

Fri June 18 97.3 KBCO presents
8:00pm Angelique Kidjo
GA / All Ages / $31.50
On Sale Sat May 1

Wed June 30 KUNC presents
8:00pm Jesse Cook
w/ guests
GA: $28.00 / Reserved : $37.00 / All Ages

Thurs Jul 1 “Drinking Made Easy” Comedy Tour
8:00pm w/Zane Lamprey
ft: Marc Ryan & Steve McKenna
18+ / Reserved: $30.00 / GA seated: $25.00

Wed July 7 Hapa
8:00pm All Ages / Reserved : $26.00 / GA seated: $20.00
On Sale Sat May 1

Sat Jul 10 KGNU presents
8:00pm David Grisman Bluegrass Experience
GA / All Ages / $36.00

Thurs Sept 9 STS9
9:00pm GA / $42.00 / All Ages
All tickets are part of Red Rocks package and available through STS9 store


Stephanie Nelso

show details 11:25 AM (3 hours ago)
Friday October 1, 9:00

Native sons of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Hanson has been making music together for nearly two decades. Thirteen years ago, their out-of-the-blue, soul-inspired brand of American pop-rock‘n’roll was introduced to the world. Unaffected by charts or fads, they’ve spent more than a decade building a community of fans connected to one another and fueled by the energy and craftsmanship of
three brothers and their music. Their fifth studio album, Shout It Out, is set to be released June 8th 2010 on their label 3CG Records. They deliver a powerful group of soulful, melodic tunes that will leave you with a contagious sense of optimism for the future and welcomed reminiscence for American rock n’ roll.

Shout It Out is a collection of finely crafted, R&B-flavored pop-rock, a homage to the music that inspired HANSON when they started out. The album produced and written exclusively by the band is augmented with special guests: Funk Brothers bassist Bob Babbitt, who played on some of Motown’s greatest hits, and horn arranger Jerry Hey, who worked with Michael Jackson, Quincy Jones, Earth, Wind and Fire and many more.

Hanson emotes such fresh energy on the new album that it’s easy to forget that this band has been around the block a few times. Multiple Grammy nominations (drummer Zac is the youngest nominated songwriter in history), years of headline shows everywhere from Carnegie Hall to the Hollywood Bowl and world-records for the loudest concert audience in history.

GA/ All Ages / $27 in advance / $30 day of show

On Sale Wed April 30

Internet 24-7 at

Phone: During box office hours: 303.443.3399

Stephanie Nelson
Marketing & Partnerships
Boulder Theater / Fox Theatre / George’s Food & Drink
p: 303.998.9412
f: 303.440.6455

Food & Drink
Contemporary Comfort Food
Located next to Boulder Theater
Open Tues-Sun 5pm
Happy Hour 5-6:30pm
Geeks Who Drink, Every Wed, 8pm

Boulder business news

April 2010 Issue
Chamber Website Video Magazine Advocacy News & Events Podcast Twitter
Don’t Miss the Chamber’s Social Media Seminar on April 30!

The Front Burner

Boulder’s Long-term Development Priorities
Being Discussed

In January the City of Boulder began the 2010 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). The Plan is the guiding document that shapes land uses and development of the Boulder Valley. It incorporates economic, environmental and social values and the theme for this update is branded as “Sustainable Boulder: Creating our Future”.

Chamber members can help influence the Plan’s policies by participating in various public meetings and commenting on key policy discussions by the Boulder City Council and the Boulder Planning Board.

The implications of this effort include sweeping directives on the manner of growth and the types of businesses, housing, transportation and civic amenities Boulder will allow. All business owners and their employees are encouraged to participate in this process that has a powerful influence on the type of city Boulder will become over the next several years.

You can help: Plan to attend the study session with Council and the Planning Board on Tuesday, April 27. No public comment is taken at this time, however you will get direct information on the priorities and concerns of these officials that will influence the next round of proposed changes in the Plan.

Joint City Council & Planning Board meeting
2010 Comp Plan Priorities – Agenda/Memo
Tuesday, April 27, 6:00 – 8:00 PM
City Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway, Boulder

We’ll notify our members when the next public hearing is scheduled as well. Listen to David Driskell, Director of Community Planning and Sustainability describe the Plan in our Boulder Business Insider podcast.

More Chambers challenge
U.S. Chamber of Commerce on its stance on climate change.

Disagreements on such topics regarding energy policy are becoming common as business leaders weigh whether limits on greenhouse-gas emissions – under discussion in Congress – would help or hurt the economy. Read more>>>

The Boulder Chamber is not affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

Click to listen to our Insider podcasts:
iTunes or Weblink

Sponsoring the Insider! Get in front of top business leaders – your website-linked logo can be here. Contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.
The Big Picture

Health Insurance Reform Has Immediate Impacts for Employers

The signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest federal rewrite of health care rules since the creation of Medicare. Far-reaching and market-changing reforms have attorneys and health insurance experts digging into the details to help explain the wide range of new options and requirements for business.

The Chamber will schedule a membership forum with experts to discuss the details (as much as possible) very soon; watch for our announcement. Email Dan Powers to ensure you receive notice.)

Effective immediately, millions of small businesses are eligible to receive a tax credit to cover up to 35 percent of premiums. In 2014, the credit will increase to 50 percent. Three federal Departments, working with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, are tasked with filling in many of the details concerning particular requirements of the law.

What This Means To Chamber Members:
Numerous aspects of the new law are being researched – one key issue for Chamber members is the requirement to provide health insurance for employees. Companies with fewer than 50 employees – which make up 96% of U.S. businesses – are exempt from the mandate that requires larger enterprises to provide health benefits by 2014 or pay a $2,000 penalty per employee. Read more in BusinessWeek and at

State Budget Cuts Impact
Various Business Sectors;
Education Takes A Hit

So far this year the Colorado Legislature has eliminated several tax breaks for businesses in an effort to close a $600 million budget deficit, and Budget Committee chairman Rep. Jack Pommer, D-Boulder, has said they may need to eliminate more, including state enterprise zones, before the 2010 session ends on May 12.

Last week, legislators passed and sent to Gov. Bill Ritter an $18.2 billion spending plan for the budget year that begins in July. K-12 schools will get $365 million less than they normally would under the law that requires school funding increases. When lawmakers return next year, they may need to find up to $938 million to make up for lost stimulus money and one-time budget fixes, according to a preliminary legislative analysis. That doesn’t include restoring the $365 million cut to schools.

What This Means To Chamber Members:
Many specific tax exemptions have been removed and companies need to be sure their accountants are following the new details. The Chamber continues to weigh in on discussions to ensure cuts are not unduly harmful to job retention and creation. Please share your concerns with Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.

Visit Colorado Backseat Budgeter to test your skills at balancing the state budget with an interactive website showing he impacts of various cuts.
Building A Strong Local Economy

Chamber Board Approves Candidate Endorsements

The Boulder Chamber Board of Directors has voted to consider endorsing candidates for elected office as a result of a recent survey. Chamber members indicated their desire to see the organization play a more prominent role as a representative of the business community.

The Board has directed staff to create a protocol by which candidates would be interviewed and their positions on key topics to the business community would be articulated. Issues highlighted in the Chamber’s annual Legislative Agenda will provide guidance to this process. Responses will inform the Board as they consider possible endorsements.

For more details on the Board’s decision contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.

Chamber Members Needed For Citizen Boards

The City of Boulder has vacancies on three important advisory panels: the Transportation Advisory Board, the Landmarks Board and the Board of Zoning Adjustment. These City Council-appointed citizen Boards meet monthly and provide analysis and recommendations to Council on various business-oriented topics in their area of focus.

Chamber members are strongly encouraged to apply as your personal experience and professional knowledge can be valuable to the groups’ discussions and decisions. Deadline to apply is May 4, 2010. More details>>>

Financing Technical
Team Formed

The City of Boulder has hired a consultant to assist staff within the City’s Local Environmental Action Division on their City Council-directed effort to draft proposed energy efficiency regulation for existing commercial buildings. The Chamber remains actively involved in this discussion.

In addition the Chamber and the Boulder Economic Council have partnered with the City to bring several business members with financial and legal expertise together to brainstorm creative financing mechanisms that would address the costs involved with efficiency retrofits.

Chamber members and commercial property owners are invited to provide insight and suggestions. Contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.
Boulder is the number one flash flood risk community in Colorado due to the number of people who live and work near Boulder’s numerous creeks and floodplains. Remember, flash floods can literally occur IN A FLASH during a severe storm. It’s important for Chamber members to familiarize themselves with the dangers. The city maintains to help you prepare before, during and after a flood event. See floodplain maps, informational videos and details on how to prepare your business. PLUS: Sign up for text alerts from the Boulder Office of Emergency Mgmt.
More You Should Know

New: $40 million in Loan Financing for Small Businesses, Manufacturers

Colorado’s small businesses, manufacturing companies and agricultural industries will get a $40 million boost through new lending programs announced by the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority(CHFA).Lending includes $30 million available to help manufacturers seeking loans of $2 million to $10 million for real estate acquisitions, renovations and equipment purchases. Smaller loans of $500,000 to $2 million available to manufacturers with 50 employees or less.

Get more details>>>.

ClimateSmart Loans for Commercial Property

The County’s ClimateSmart Loan program provides full up-front funding for energy efficiency retrofits in commercial properties, paid back over 15 years on property tax assessments. Deadline to apply for this financing option is July 12, 2010.

Commercial property owners choose a set of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures from the eligible measures list and apply for a minimum $3,000 and up to a maximum of $210,000 loan to fund the improvement.

For more information visit the ClimateSmart Loan website.

Suggested Reading

The federal stimulus package has provided millions to Colorado’s businesses. The Denver Business Journal provides a closeup look at the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009″ (ARRA), as well as federal bank and mortgage rescue efforts, and their impact on Colorado.

Health care insurance reform has raised more questions as companies seek details to the new law.
Attorneys at Chamber member Faegre & Benson have created reports and a webinar explaining the details.

2010 Ballot Issues Could Have Dramatic Fiscal Impact

Three approved ballot measures could negatively impact Boulder’s city budget starting in 2011 to the tune of over $10 million if passed.

Amendment 60 proposes limiting how property taxes are raised, reverses recent tax increases and proposes cutting mill levies in half. Amendment 61 calls for prohibiting borrowing by state or local government and requires voter approval for future loans. Proposition 101 proposes to revise the current vehicle, income and telecommunications taxes and fees to reduced levels.

Channel One Networks is a network of TV channels on the internet located in Boulder Colorado. Boulder Channel 1 is our first super channel . Each week we are adding more channels. See TV Guide . You can watch videos On Demand with the click of a button. We have a wide variety of channels to choose from just like your cable or Satellite provider accept most of our programming is free and WORLD WIDE. Some shows like our Route 66 travel series can be purchase on DVD. Music Channel 1 is very popular and we will be adding music videos On Demand. You will also, be able to see Jann Scott Live, America's most popular internet live call in talk show from cool Boulder Colorado. Purchase a Pixel: Advertisers may purchase a pixel for $1.00 and up for links, 30 second commercials. We are especially interested in programming for each Channel which has niche programming such as Resort Travel, Ski and Snowboard, Home and Garden etc. Music industry and Auto. Public Channel: Much of our programming to artists, film makers and World producers is free. Please submit it to us in a down Loadable file. We will have a look at it and let you know. Public Broadcasting. You can also mail non commercial videos to Programming . Box 869 Boulder Colorado 80306 Link Share. We encourage everyone to include us on your site Enjoy What all of our channels have to offer the web community world wideMore Information on all Channels: Technical Support: Any problems with getting our channels try down loading the following free software or News Correspondents: We are looking for serious news internetcasters from Africa, Asia, South America, Europe, India, Central America, Eastern Europe, China, India, Middle East, Mexico, Antartica, Greenland and Outer Space. You must speak English, be 13 to 34 years old, Female or Male, be from the region you are reporting on, have a laptop webcam, a world map or Globe, a national flag from your country and be prepared to file a weekly 1 to 3 minute report on one of the following topics: Famon, enviroment, ecconomy, political enviroment, current events. Music, Fashion, Food. Culture Sex and relationships. Must be straight news with no leftist or rightist bent though we do like sarcasam and humor. We pay $5.00 per report and you will receive press credentials. Please send video, resume, picture to News, Box 869, Boulder, colorado 80304 or Email; Boulders Television channel on the web. We bring you Boulder , we bring you the World.