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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

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BoulderNews: latest locals take on Wall street reform; Guess where these concerts are?? @bouldertheater @foxtheater @rmpjc

National Call-In for Real Financial Reform-Please call ASAP
The Senate Democrats are trying to bring the financial reform bill up for a vote, but the Republicans are blocking it.
Tell your senators it’s time to vote to hold Wall Street accountable!
Please call your senators now, using the talking points below to tell them it’s time for a fair fight with up or down votes on the bill and amendments! Its time to pass the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 with strengthening amendments and to vote “No!” on any anti-consumer amendments or big bank loopholes.

Wall Street has spent tens of millions of dollars to kill reform. Wall Street likes the status quo. Thousands of bankers and lobbyists are roaming the Capitol’s halls, trying to convince your senators that reform is bad for America.
Your senators need to hear the real American story — from YOU!
It’s the final push for real reform! Don’t let Wall Street kill the bill!
Public Citizen, the Americans for Financial Reform coalition and thousands of concerned Americans are flooding the Senate with calls. Call the Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121 and ask for your senators. Tell them your story and make sure they pass real financial reform!

Use the toll free number and talking points below to call your senators now! (Please call between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.) CALL HERE: (202) 224-3121

Talking Points:
1.) Tell Republicans and Senator Ben Nelson (D-Neb.): I support the American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Stop blocking the bill! Proposed changes to the bill can and should be offered on the floor as amendments, not in backroom deals. It’s high time to begin voting on the floor. Vote for cloture!

Tell Democrats: I support the American Financial Stability Act of 2010. Thank you for voting in favor of cloture. It’s high time to begin voting on the floor.

2.) I urge you to pass the American Financial Stability Act of 2010 with strengthening amendments and vote “No!” on any anti-consumer, big bank-loophole amendments.


3.) Break up the banks –- too big to fail is too big to exist. In addition to preserving the preventative measures already in the bill that would limit the risk of giant financial firms, the bill should be amended to limit their size.

4.) Defend the consumer protection agency in the bill, but make it stronger and independent to protect consumers by policing unfair and deceptive practices by credit card companies, mortgage companies and predatory lenders. The Federal Reserve has repeatedly failed consumers and is the wrong place to house an effective watchdog with teeth.

5.) Executive pay and bonuses must be reined in to end the perverse incentive to gamble with investor and taxpayer dollars. Amend the bill so that corporate officers are paid for long-term performance, not short-term illusions.

6.) Clamp down on the trade in exotic financial instruments such as derivatives –- the things that threw AIG into crisis and required $180 billion in taxpayer bailout funds. At a minimum, all such instruments must be traded openly on exchanges and backed by sufficient collateral. Giant financial institutions should never again come to the government to make good on debts they can’t pay.

Let Public Citizen know you called at


Wednesday July 7

Like the Hawaiian Islands themselves, Hapa’s Pan-Polynesian music is an amalgam of influences ranging from ancient genealogical chants to the strummed ballads of Portuguese fisherman, Spanish cowboys, and the inspired melodies and harmonies of the traditional church choirs of the early missionaries. Add to this a dose of American acoustic folk/rock, and you have what has been described as the “most exciting and beautiful contemporary Hawaiian music the world knows!”… (Maui Times).

These disparate ingredients blended together musically in the Pacific emotes the unique flavor of what Hawaii and Hapa music is: “beautiful, fragile, spiritual, powerful”… (L.A. Times). Often encapsulated as the “Sound of Maui”, HAPA’s music evokes a place that many people at different times have referred to as heavenly. Hapa’s self entitled debut cd released in 1993, swept the 1994 Na Hoku Hanohano Awards (Hawaii’s equivalent of the Grammy’s), becoming the biggest selling CD by a group or duo in the history of recorded Hawaiian music. The group’s ground breaking music has established them as the most recognized name in Hawaiian music internationally since their debut release, with sold-out shows from Tokyo to New York.


With their clever, smug lyrics and cloying folk-tinged melodies, the Crash Test Dummies were a perfect rock band for affluent ’90s college students and yuppies. Their

first album was a multi-platinum hit in their native Canada, but only gained a small cult following in other parts of the world. Thanks to former Talking Head Jerry Harrison’s clean, radio-friendly production, the follow-up album, “God Shuffled His Feet” (1993), broke big in the States and, in turn, Europe. The first single from the record, “MMM MMM MMM MMM,” became a worldwide Top Ten hit, making the group a minor sensation with their self-consciously bizarre lyrics and singer/songwriter Brad Roberts’ deep baritone. “A Worm’s Life” followed in 1996, and three years later the Crash Test Dummies returned with “Give Yourself a Hand”, which found Roberts sharing vocal duties with bandmate Ellen Reid.
Roberts resurfaced in fall 2000 with a solo album, “Crash Test Dude”, a collection of acoustic hits from CTD and eclectic covers. It was also during this time that Roberts suffered a serious car crash, almost losing his arm. Seven months later, however, he returned to the CTD circuit to issue “I Don’t Care That You Don’t Mind”, a brand-new batch of songs written with lobster fishermen/musicians whom Roberts met during his rehabilitation. Late 2001 and early 2002 saw more solo albums from the band’s members (Ellen Reid’s Cinderellen and Mitch Dorge’s As Trees Walking), and the Dummies gradually became more Roberts’ project than a traditional band. A new three-piece unit consisting of Reid, Roberts and original bassist Dan Roberts released the Christmas album Jingle All the Way in late 2002, but limited distribution made the album hard to find. The album was reissued in late 2003 along with a new album, “Puss ‘n’ Boots”, with Reid and Dan Roberts adding to what was originally planned as a Brad Roberts solo album. The trio embraced a more stripped-down acoustic sound on their next album, 2004’s “Songs of the Unforgiven”, while 2010’s “Ooh La La” proved to be more symphonic.

Google Invites ISPs to Use Its Super-Fast Fibre Network Arguing that open access creates real competition

Google’s plans to offer fiber-to-home Internet connections to as much as 500,000 people probably has ISPs in the US on edge, but the company is trying to show them that it is not the enemy. In fact, it’s welcoming anyone to use the infrastructure once it is deployed and offer Internet services on Google’s fiber.

“We definitely inviting the Comcasts, the AT&T service providers to work with us on our network, and to provide their service offering on top of our pipe – we’re definitely planning on doing that,” Minnie Ingersoll, product manager and co-lead for alternative access at Google, told

“We’re looking for other service providers to be able to come in and offer their service on top of our network so that residents have a choice when they open up their accounts,” she added. “They get the connection from us, and then they have a choice as to who they subscribe to.”

That sounds great on paper, but it is a very disingenuous way of putting ISPs on the spot for their existing practices. Traditional providers value their infrastructure above anything else. Not for their investment in it necessarily, most ISPs and telcos want to keep that to a minimum, but for the strategic advantage it offers.

Costumers rarely have actual alternatives, you get the Internet that is available at your location and that’s that. At best, you may have a choice between two viable options, but there is usually no choice. And since ISPs are careful no to tread on each other’s turf too much, the status quo is very much against open access and actual competition.

Now, Google is not only showing that super-fast broadband connections are feasible from an infrastructure point of view, something that most telcos complain about, but also that you can even do it while enabling anyone to compete using your own fiber. That is the point that Google is trying to make with its Gigabit fiber optics network plan, ISPs need to start competing on actual services not just the territory, if there is going to be a real market for Internet access.

The problem is, ISPs are happy with the way things are and, if it wasn’t for Google providing the ‘incentives,’ nothing would change in the foreseeable future. But maybe the country that invented the Internet is satisfied with constantly being an ‘also ran’ in all worldwide broadband availability and speed studies.

Boulder News: update Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1m BC1 newspaper online: Backyard compost bin sale and workshop May 1

The City of Boulder and the Boulder County Resource Conservation Division are hosting the annual spring backyard compost bin sale on Saturday, May 1 from 9 a.m. to noon at the new ReSource Yard location, 6400 Arapahoe Road. SoilSaver bins will be available for $50 each including tax. Only checks and cash will be accepted. Bins will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. No early sales.

After purchasing compost bins, residents are invited to join a free backyard composting workshop from 10 a.m. to noon; space is limited to 30 people. Community members interested in attending this free workshop should RSVP with name, phone number and/or e-mail and number of attendees to or call 720-564-2226.

These events are meant to encourage residents to compost food scraps and yard waste in backyard composting bins, in addition to utilizing curbside compost carts. Composting these items keeps organic materials out of landfills, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

For more information, visit

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