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Boulder Business Insider
Your source for insight to policy and politicsaffecting Boulder's business community April 2010 Issue
| Boulder's Long-term Development Priorities Being Discussed
In January the City of Boulder began the 2010 Major Update to the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan (BVCP). The Plan is the guiding document that shapes land uses and development of the Boulder Valley. It incorporates economic, environmental and social values and the theme for this update is branded as "Sustainable Boulder: Creating our Future". Chamber members can help influence the Plan's policies by participating in various public meetings and commenting on key policy discussions by the Boulder City Council and the Boulder Planning Board. WHY DO WE CARE?The implications of this effort include sweeping directives on the manner of growth and the types of businesses, housing, transportation and civic amenities Boulder will allow. All business owners and their employees are encouraged to participate in this process that has a powerful influence on the type of city Boulder will become over the next several years. You can help: Plan to attend the study session with Council and the Planning Board on Tuesday, April 27. No public comment is taken at this time, however you will get direct information on the priorities and concerns of these officials that will influence the next round of proposed changes in the Plan.
Joint City Council & Planning Board meeting 2010 Comp Plan Priorities - Agenda/Memo Tuesday, April 27, 6:00 - 8:00 PM City Council Chambers, 1777 Broadway, Boulder
We'll notify our members when the next public hearing is scheduled as well. Listen to David Driskell, Director of Community Planning and Sustainability describe the Plan in our Boulder Business Insiderpodcast. |
| More Chambers challenge U.S. Chamber of Commerce on its stance on climate change. Disagreements on such topics regarding energy policy are becoming common as business leaders weigh whether limits on greenhouse-gas emissions - under discussion in Congress - would help or hurt the economy. Read more>>> The Boulder Chamber is not affiliated with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Click to listen to our Insider podcasts: Sponsoring the Insider! Get in front of top business leaders - your website-linked logo can be here. Contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122. |
| | Health Insurance Reform Has Immediate Impacts for Employers The signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is the largest federal rewrite of health care rules since the creation of Medicare. Far-reaching and market-changing reforms have attorneys and health insurance experts digging into the details to help explain the wide range of new options and requirements for business. The Chamber will schedule a membership forum with experts to discuss the details (as much as possible) very soon; watch for our announcement. Email Dan Powers to ensure you receive notice.) Effective immediately, millions of small businesses are eligible to receive a tax creditto cover up to 35 percent of premiums. In 2014, the credit will increase to 50 percent. Three federal Departments, working with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, are tasked with filling in many of the details concerning particular requirements of the law. What This Means To Chamber Members: Numerous aspects of the new law are being researched - one key issue for Chamber members is the requirement to provide health insurance for employees. Companies with fewer than 50 employees - which make up 96% of U.S. businesses - are exempt from the mandate that requires larger enterprises to provide health benefits by 2014 or pay a $2,000 penalty per employee. Read more inBusinessWeek and at HealthReform.gov. |
| State Budget Cuts Impact Various Business Sectors; Education Takes A Hit
So far this year the Colorado Legislature has eliminated several tax breaks for businesses in an effort to close a $600 million budget deficit, and Budget Committee chairman Rep. Jack Pommer, D-Boulder, has said they may need to eliminate more, including state enterprise zones, before the 2010 session ends on May 12.
Last week, legislators passed and sent to Gov. Bill Ritter an $18.2 billion spending plan for the budget year that begins in July. K-12 schools will get $365 million less than they normally would under the law that requires school funding increases. When lawmakers return next year,they may need to find up to $938 million to make up for lost stimulus money and one-time budget fixes, according to a preliminary legislative analysis. That doesn't include restoring the $365 million cut to schools. What This Means To Chamber Members: Many specific tax exemptions have been removed and companies need to be sure their accountants are following the new details. The Chamber continues to weigh in on discussions to ensure cuts are not unduly harmful to job retention and creation. Please share your concerns with Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122. Visit Colorado Backseat Budgeter to test your skills at balancing the state budget with an interactive website showing he impacts of various cuts. |
| Building A Strong Local Economy |
|  Chamber Board Approves Candidate Endorsements
The Boulder Chamber Board of Directors has voted to consider endorsing candidates for elected office as a result of a recent survey. Chamber members indicated their desire to see the organization play a more prominent role as a representative of the business community.
The Board has directed staff to create a protocol by which candidates would be interviewed and their positions on key topics to the business community would be articulated. Issues highlighted in the Chamber's annual Legislative Agenda will provide guidance to this process. Responses will inform the Board as they consider possible endorsements.
For more details on the Board's decision contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122. |
| Chamber Members Needed For Citizen Boards
The City of Boulder has vacancies on three important advisory panels: the Transportation Advisory Board, the Landmarks Board and the Board of Zoning Adjustment. These City Council-appointed citizen Boards meet monthly and provide analysis and recommendations to Council on various business-oriented topics in their area of focus. Chamber members are strongly encouraged to applyas your personal experience and professional knowledge can be valuable to the groups' discussions and decisions.Deadline to apply is May 4,2010. More details>>> |
|  Financing Technical Team Formed
The City of Boulder has hired a consultant to assist staff within the City's Local Environmental Action Division on their City Council-directed effort to draft proposed energy efficiency regulation for existing commercial buildings. The Chamber remains actively involved in this discussion.
In addition the Chamber and the Boulder Economic Council have partnered with the City to bring several business members with financial and legal expertise together to brainstorm creative financing mechanisms that would address the costs involved with efficiency retrofits.
Chamber members and commercial property owners are invited to provide insight and suggestions. Contact Dan Powers at 303-442-1044 xt 122.
| DID YOU KNOW? Boulder is the number one flash flood risk community in Colorado due to the number of people who live and work near Boulder's numerous creeks and floodplains. Remember, flash floods can literally occur IN A FLASH during a severe storm. It's important for Chamber members to familiarize themselves with the dangers. The city maintains www.boulderfloodinfo.net to help you prepare before, during and after a flood event. See floodplain maps, informational videos and details on how to prepare your business. PLUS: Sign up for text alerts from the Boulder Office of Emergency Mgmt.
| | ClimateSmart Loans for Commercial Property The County'sClimateSmart Loan program provides full up-front funding for energy efficiency retrofits in commercial properties, paid back over 15 years on property tax assessments.Deadline to apply for this financing option is July 12, 2010.
Commercial property owners choose a set of energy efficiency and renewable energy measures from theeligible measures listand apply for a minimum $3,000 and up to a maximum of $210,000 loan to fund the improvement. For more information visit the ClimateSmart Loan website.
|  Suggested Reading
The federal stimulus package has provided millions to Colorado's businesses. TheDenver Business Journal provides acloseup look at the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" (ARRA), as well as federal bank and mortgage rescue efforts, and their impact on Colorado.
Health care insurance reformhas raised more questions as companies seek details to the new law. Attorneys at Chamber member Faegre & Benson have createdreports and a webinar explaining the details.
| 2010 Ballot Issues Could Have Dramatic Fiscal Impact Three approved ballot measures could negatively impact Boulder's city budget starting in 2011 to the tune of over $10 million if passed.
Amendment 60proposes limiting how property taxes are raised, reverses recent tax increases and proposes cutting mill levies in half.Amendment 61 calls for prohibiting borrowing by state or local government and requires voter approval for future loans.Proposition 101proposes to revise the current vehicle, income and telecommunications taxes and fees to reduced levels.
Watch for more information as our analysis continues.Details>>>
| Thank you for supporting the Boulder Chamber! Your membership supports our advocacy efforts to create a strong local economy. Please contact us with your concerns and ideas and know we are working behindthe scenes on behalf of the entire business community every day.
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